Chapter -30

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From now onwards there is only one pov that is of author so no separate pov for Dwani and vedant now they both are in love  now enjoy the chapter.

Dwani Vedant and his parents had finally reached the airport after a series of preparations  leading up to the big journey fir dwani. As they entered the bustling airport, Dwani's nerves were evident as she tightly held Vedant's hand for reassurance. Vedant, being the caring and supportive partner, comforted her, promising that everything would go smoothly.

Once they completed the check-in process, the family made their way to the aircraft. As they stepped inside the plane, Dwani was amazed by the sight of the aircraft's interior, so close to her for the first time. The excitement and trepidation mixed in her heart.

Vedant thoughtfully suggested that Dwani take the window seat to make her first flight experience even more memorable. As the plane taxied and prepared for takeoff, Dwani's nervousness peaked, but Vedant's reassuring presence eased her anxiety.

With a gentle acceleration, the plane lifted off the ground, and Dwani instinctively clutched Vedant's hand tighter. As the aircraft soared higher into the sky, the initial fear gradually gave way to awe and wonder. Dwani couldn't help but marvel at the breathtaking view from the window, the world below shrinking as they ascended to the clouds.

To make the journey enjoyable, Vedant engaged Dwani in conversation, describing the interior of aircraft ,good availability,mini TV in seat. Dwani found comfort in Vedant's explanations and stories, feeling fortunate to have him as her partner.

As the hours passed, the couple's love and affection for each other only grew stronger. Dwani and Vedant shared tender moments during the flight, cherishing each other's company high up in the sky.

After a long but memorable 20-hour flight, the aircraft finally landed in America. Dwani felt a mix of excitement and exhaustion.

As Dwani, Vedant, and Vedant's parents stepped out of the airport, they spotted a plukcard with Jeyaram's name held up by the driver sent by Vedant's uncle, Dhivakar. Jeyaram acknowledged the driver with a wave, and they made their way to the waiting car.

Feeling the chilly weather of America, Jeyaram realized the need to prepare Dwani for the cold climate. Vedant, ever the thoughtful and caring partner, suggested that Dwani wear the coat, socks, and gloves he had brought for her. Knowing that she was unfamiliar with the weather in America, he wanted to ensure her comfort and well-being during their stay.

Dwani gratefully accepted the clothing items from Vedant and put them on, appreciating his considerate gesture. As they settled into the car, she felt the warmth and protection of the coat and accessories, which immediately made her feel more at ease in the unfamiliar surroundings.

As the car journeyed towards Dhivakar's home, the chilly morning in America enveloped the travelers. With five hours ahead of them, Jeyaram suggested stopping at a restaurant for breakfast. The driver kindly obliged and soon found a suitable place to stop.

Exiting the car, they entered the cozy restaurant, greeted by the warmth inside. The pleasant aroma of freshly brewed coffee and a variety of breakfast dishes welcomed them. Dwani, Vedant, and Vedant's parents settled at a table, looking forward to a hearty meal to energize them for the rest of the journey.

The restaurant's menu offered a range of options, from classic American breakfasts to international delicacies. Jeyaram, Vedant, and Dwani exchanged glances, trying to decide what to order. Dwani, in particular, found the experience exciting, as she enjoyed trying new cuisines.

After some contemplation, they placed their orders. Jeyaram opted for a traditional American breakfast with pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Vedant chose a healthier option with avocado toast and a fruit platter. Dwani, feeling a bit adventurous, decided to try some blueberry pancakes, a popular American breakfast item.

As they savored their meals, the family engaged in light-hearted conversation, sharing stories and discussing their plans for the visit. Dwani, in her cheerful demeanor, expressed her excitement about exploring new places and experiencing different aspects of American culture.

The restaurant was filled with a pleasant atmosphere, and the friendly staff made sure their dining experience was enjoyable. With their hunger satisfied and spirits lifted, they thanked the restaurant staff, paid the bill, and continued their journey to Dhivakar's home.

During the drive, Dwani and Vedant occasionally gazed out of the car window, taking in the scenic landscapes of America. Jeyaram and Vedant's mother, sitting in the backseat, enjoyed the picturesque views as well.

As the car journeyed towards Dhivakar's home, fate had a beautiful surprise in store for Dwani. Along the way, they spotted the awe-inspiring Niagara Falls from a distance. Knowing that Dwani was new to America and had never seen such a natural wonder before, Jeyaram, Vedant, and the driver decided to make a detour to give her the opportunity to witness the majestic falls up close.

Excitement filled the air as they approached the iconic destination. Dwani's eyes widened with wonder as she caught her first glimpse of the magnificent Niagara Falls, the sound of rushing water echoing in the background. She was spellbound by the sheer power and beauty of the cascading waters.

The driver found a suitable spot for them to stop and get a better view of the falls. They stepped out of the car, and Vedant held Dwani's hand as they walked closer to the edge. The cool mist from the falls gently kissed their faces, and the sight left them all in awe.

Jeyaram and  parvathy Vedant's parents, who had seen the falls before, enjoyed watching Dwani's reaction. They were thrilled to share this magical moment with her, knowing that it would be etched in her memory forever.

Dwani took out her phone to capture some photographs of the mesmerizing sight. She wanted to preserve the memory and share it with her friends Swathi and niroop. However, she knew that no photograph could truly capture the grandeur of the Niagara Falls. She also took a photo of vedant kissing her cheeks infront of falls.

After spending some time appreciating the beauty of the falls, they resumed their journey to Dhivakar's home. Dwani couldn't stop talking about the breathtaking experience, and Vedant was delighted to see her so enthralled.

As they continued their drive, the journey took on a new dimension. Dwani felt an even deeper connection to America, knowing that she had witnessed one of its most famous landmarks. The love and warmth of Vedant's family, combined with the awe-inspiring beauty of Niagara Falls, made her feel even more excited about the adventures that awaited her in this new land.

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With love cutiepie5

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