What Happened In Between

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There are certain scenes in Teen Wolf which make me wonder what happened between the last scene and then the latest scene.

Like when Liam resurrected Theo. Between that last scene of them in the tunnels and then to them in the woods with Theo on a leash. You notice that when Theo comes back that he is wearing old dirty nasty clothes and he's just covered in dirt and stuff. Then the wood scene Theo is clean and with new clothes. Did Liam take him to his truck to get clothes? Where did Theo shower at? Did Liam give him his (Liam's) clothes to wear and let him shower at his house?? I think it would be such a Liam move to take him outside in his boxers and just jet him with a hose .💀 !!I NEED ANSWERS!!

Or when Theo drags liam to the bathroom in the sheriffs station and no one bat an eye about that. Are they used to Theo dragging away or used to them being in rooms alone together?

And I'm sure there's so many more I'm missing! I think it would be cooolio if someone added into their book / one shot like what happened in between scenes!

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