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Keeping the relationship a secret wasn't easy...

With Harry as his boyfriend and bodyguard he was next to him all the time, and that made talking like they normally do possible, but hard.

They couldn't flirt, cuddle or kiss, they could only talk as if they worked together, bodyguard and singer, not boyfriends and lovers.

It didn't feel right, Louis hated it. Harry acted cold around him, trying to keep the act up.

At night, when they were alone and just the two of us they would talk, cuddle and laugh together, being free, just like it was supposed to be and make up for the 'lost time' of that day.

At those times they could finally to things they couldn't do in public, it wasn't right and it surely didn't feel right.

It was draining for the both of them, but Harry made sure to reassure Louis it was going to be fine, telling him every night that he was sorry for about how he acted throughout the day, even though it was of course, all an act.

Louis knew and would always tell Harry it's fine and that he loves him, but it never felt enough for him, not like this.

He hated Luke for doing this, and he knew he couldn't go on like this for much time longer. Luke was a pretty good manager, but this wasn't one of his best plans.

It was just holding on, only feeling alive at night when he lied in Harry's arms, singing to the boy.

Harry would try to sneakily throughout the day whisper sweet nothings into Louis's ear, brush his hand against Louis his or try to do something to make Louis feel loved and at ease, without letting other people suspect anything.

Just a singer with a bodyguard that over time became friends, right?

Yeah, right...

Lottie had called him every other day, as well as Harry trying to comfort Louis about the whole deal.

His sister was honestly amazing and tried her best, but Louis didn't feel soothed, he felt restless.

Aunt Jade had send the two of them some flowers and Louis's favourite chocolate, trying to help them go though all this and making it easier.

Although when she wasn't sending stuff, she tried to sneak up on Lottie and snatch the phone away when she and Louis were calling, asking him all kind of questions. Mostly about Harry, of course.

She's just as happy about the two of them being boyfriends as Louis is, hell maybe she's even more happy about it!

Louis was amused and felt great hearing that and appreciated the support and Harry was just happy seeing his boyfriend happy and smiling, finding his aunt hilarious at times.

It was holding on, trying to make the best of it.

Tomorrow Louis had a interview, the first one since the rumors started, and he was kinda nervous.

He knew people would ask questions about the two of them, but how was he supposed to answer it? It wouldn't feel right to lie, but the truth would come out sooner then later.

Luke had given strict instructions the day after 'the talk' and told him what he should say when people asked questions, it was as if he was at school again, learning different responses to the questions that were asked about certain topics.

Luke did promise though, that stuff would get better eventually, but for now there were just too much rumors that weren't actually rumors but the truth, and too much edits of the two of them which could also be real and were recreated by Harry and Louis.

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