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The days went by pretty fast.

They explored the city, sat and hang around the yard for hours, mainly on the massive swing, something that Louis was a fan of.

Harry would sit upright with Louis's head in his lap while his feet would swing, both looking up at the sky and sneaking glances to each other.

The day of their six month anniversary was now really almost there, two days until they were officially boyfriends for half a year, life was just great.

Liam would be there in a week, the two of them wanting to spend some alone time and celebrating before they would meet the new lad.

One of the things Harry loved to do with Louis was going to the café down the street, a bakery included into the building.

They had spoken to a guy that works there multiple times, a nice, sponteanous lad named 'Niall', as they learned once when they were talking.

Harry loved the chocolate cake there and Louis was drooling when they were having apple pie with a tea which they didn't had back in Doncaster.

"I told you I don't like carrot cake, Harry! It was just a joke!" Louis rolled his eyes and leaned on the counter, the two of them having a playful discussion about a joke Louis had told him months ago.

They were again at the café where Niall worked, spending some hours of days there, something they had done the last days.

"You are the joke, alright let me order a carrot cake for you!" Harry grinned as Louis playfully slapped him, Harry yelping out a 'OW!' And rubbing the sore spot on the back of his head.

"Oh shit."

Harry looked at him confused. "Shit what? Yeah carrot cake is delightful, it's not shit-"

"No hazz." Louis interrupted him, pointing at the door.

Many people were swarming around the entrance, trying to make their way inside and fighting for the handle of the door.

"Shit indeed." Harry cursed under his breath and as if it was meant to be Niall walked up to the front.

"Harry here is your carrot cake- oh shoot." He looked at the people in shock, Louis a panicked look in his eyes.

"Niall I'm so sorry." Louis spoke, Harry shielding him with his coat from the many flashes of the camera's as paparazzi still tried to get closer.

Niall set down the cake. "Don't be, honestly. Harry I live upstairs above the café, let's go there and wait till this is over?" Niall suggested.

Louis whimpered as the voices of the people were getting louder, questions thrown to his head from outside, the window almost breaking from the loud noise.

Harry nodded. "It could take some hours though, before they leave. My boy is famous after all." He whispered the last part and rubbed Louis's his arm, Louis in return giving him a small smile.

"Doesn't matter, let's go, follow me." Niall waved them over and pointed to a door at the back of the room.

Harry whispered something in the device that was, as usual when they went out, in his ear. Probably something to security back up to help them out.

He gently grabbed Louis's arm and swung a arm around his waist, his hand on Louis's lower back as he lead the both of them to the door, following Niall.

Louis sighed as they walked up a stairs as he heard the front door open, people yelling and screaming as they all tried to get to Louis.

Louis loved his fans, but this was crazy. They had found out rather quickly where they were, and he just wanted to spend some alone, quality time with Harry.

Yes, he took some pictures with people when they were out, and even with Niall as he turned out to loved his music.

Niall was just acting normal, treating him just as another human being, the three of them equal to one another.

He liked that about Niall. The boy was fangirling, yes, but that was alright since he was just overjoyed seeing Louis and loving his music.

Harry wasn't even jealous, he loved to see Louis interacting with people who were kind, nice and just acting normal.

Some fans were like so excited that one even fainted when he waved at him (A/N, Zayn once 1D times <3 love you zee)

Louis was so concerned and made sure she was alright before the concert went on and continued.

He loved all his fans, no matter how they acted, as long as it was with respect of course, how they looked, whether they liked all his music or just one song, his personality, he just loved them and couldn't thank them enough for the support, they helped him get where he is now, even though he did this himself, he appreciated the things they had and still do for him.

He really had the best fans in the world. But for now, it was best to make themselves feel at home in Niall's apartment...


The times 1D had to (and even solo) had to make sure fans were alright haha, the concern on their face, they are really kind and beautiful human beings.

Saviours but still 'normal' and equal and oh so beautiful, we would but honestly can't compare.

Can't devine beauty...

Or the time Harry was with Liam and maybe the other boys I don't know and a fan was crying and Harry playfully 'shut up' and then Liam like 'is she alright' and hazz like 'are you crying because I told you to shut up? Because I didn't mean it'


I got some big plans for stories so stay tuned and all the love!


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