Chapter 3 - Explanation

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3rd Person

They all walked over to Mike's living room, Mike squishing them all down on one couch while he sat in front of them all.

"Okay, so, please don't freak out when I tell you this. I told Will I loved him. . ." He started.

"Spit it out." Max snapped.

"And he said he loves me too." He blurted out, the whole party just sat there staring at him. Pin drop silence. The look on the party's faces weree a mix of shock and horror, all of them sharing horrified glances.

"And he- he wasn't joking?" Max stammered, genuinely not sure whether to believe him.

"No. . ." Mike replied, the reality of the situation setting in.

"That still doesn't mean he would kiss you on the cheek? Something else has happened." Max realized, Mike's heart dropping as he realized that Max was onto him.

"Nothing happened." Mike snapped, trying to seem confident even though it was very evident that he was nervous.

"Something happened. Tell us everything that happened from start to finish. Go." Max ordered, Mike letting out a soft sigh.

"Okay, so, he came in sat down and as the plan was, I told him I loved him. After I told him he started grinning and he asked if I was serious, so I decided to say yeah and he asked again, so I said yeah, and he said he loves me too." Mike explained, the party all staring at him as he spoke.

"Okay, what else?" Dustin frowned, as there was obviously something missing.

"Um, it was silent for a minute and he asked what does that make us, and I said I didn't know. So I asked him what he wanted to be and he just did this little smile and I knew what he was thinking. . . I knew exactly what he was thinking and he didn't want to answer but I told him to. . ." He trailed off.

"Okay, and what did he say?" Lucas sighed, having a slight feeling he knew what Will said.

". . .Boyfriends." Mike mumbled.

"Holy shit. . ." Dustin muttered, Mike just looking down at the floor.

"Hold on, what did you respond with?" Max asked, Mike freezing as he heard her words.

"Yeah, Mike. What did you respond with?" El asked as well, Mike letting out a small sigh.

"Well, I- I didn't wanna break his heart so I told him that, uh. . . I'd be his boyfriend. . ." Mike spoke quietly.

"What!?" El yelled, absolutely horrified.

"I'm sorry! He looked so happy, I couldn't just break his heart!" Mike apologized, now genuinely feeling bad.

"Yeah, well I'm your girlfriend!? Why would you agree when you have a girlfriend right here!?" She yelled, now incredibly angry.

"El, I'm- I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking! I couldn't tell him it was a prank, he'd hate me." Mike spoke softly, trying not to anger the girl even more.

"This is so stupid." She mumbled, rolling her eyes and slumping back onto the sofa.

"Well what the fuck do I do now!?" Mike asked everybody, genuinely worried.

"You need to come clean, man." Lucas told him, Mike's eyes widening in horror.

"No. No way! He would never talk to me again." Mike panicked, even the thought of Will not talking to him making him terrified.

"Well what other choice do you have?" He asked, Mike frowning and trying to think of something.

"Let him break up with me? I dont know!?" Mike whined, still incredibly panicked.

"Dude, this is really bad!" Dustin frowned.

"I know! I know it is, and your really not helping! I don't wanna loose him and if I tell him then I'm going to loose him, but if I don't it's just gonna get so much worse and I don't want him to hate me! Oh my god this is so bad!" Mike panicked as he began to pace round the room, tears forming in his eyes.

"Mike. You need to calm down." Max sighed, realizing how upset Mike was.

"How do you expect me to calm down in a time like this!? Oh my god what am I meant to do?" Mike's voice trembled as he started panicking even more, obviously terrified.

"Mike! If you just explain to him about what happened I'm sure he wont hate you." Max suggested, Mike shaking his head immediately.

"No, no Max you don't know him like I do. He won't just take this lightly." He told her.

"Well you need to do something. I think we should go, you should probably sleep on it." She sighed, Mike looking at her for a moment before nodding softly.

"Okay. . . bye guys." He mumbled.

"Bye wheeler." Max sighed, giving his shoulder a small pat before leaving. As they closed the front door, Mike began to feel tears rolling down his cheeks. He didn't want to loose Will?

'I cant loose Will. Hes my best friend. I don't know what I would do without him. . .' Mike thought to himself, genuinely terrified.

Mike decided to go to bed very early tonight to see if getting lots of sleep would help, though he knew it probably wouldn't. He tossed and turned and after about 20 minutes until he managed to fall asleep.

"That's not true!" Mike scowled.

"Really? Where's Dustin right now?" Will asked, Mike opening his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"See! You don't know, and you don't even care and obviously he doesn't either and I don't blame him! You're destroying everything and for what!? So you can swap spit with some stupid girl!?" Will fired, genuinely upset.

"Its not my fault you don't like girls!" Mike spat, instantly regretting what he had said when he saw the look on Will's face.

"Listen, I'm not trying to be a jerk, okay? But really, what did you think was gonna happen? We would just sit and play games in my basement for the rest of our lives?" Mike asked in an almost mocking way.

"Yeah, I guess I did. I really did." Will sniffled, turning around and grabbing his bike, cycling off before Mike could get the chance to stop him.

"Will!" Mike tried to call out to him, but Will was already gone.

Mike woke up with a small gasp, he hated having nightmares. Especially ones about Will. He sat and lay there for a minute before he actually got up to get dressed, pulling on a t-shirt and some jeans before running downstairs to get some breakfast.

The nightmare he had about their fight in the rain had been constantly playing in his head throughout the entire night, at least now he knew why Will reacted the way he did.

He was sat munching on some cereal ajd listening to Nancy rant about ber job and how unfair all of the men were, when he remembered. Hes Will's boyfriend. He has to be overly affectionate with his best friend. He really does not want to do that, so he thought of the only reasonable option.

To avoid him.

Mike grinned at his amazing plan and scoffed down the toast he just made, yelling a quick goodbye to his family and hopping on his bike and cycling away to school.

{Word Count: 1204}

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