Chapter 23: Blood

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It felt like I was walking straight into his trap, it was uneasy being alone with him. But this time, I was aware of his motives and I was not going to let myself be swayed by his tricks again.

Kenzo was silent during the car ride, but I could sense the laughter behind his straight face. He fucking planned everything out, perhaps he was smarter than I thought.

He finally spoke as the lights turned red, "Aren't you shocked?"

"I'm not going to feed your ego, Kenzo."

His face broke into a smile, "You don't need to. Elias was once a kind soul, which is what they all said about him."

I looked away, "Because he was. And I wondered why he killed himself."

"You don't need to be so harsh to me, Aria. Your suffering will end soon, because I'm ending the Aldine family one by one."

My eyes shot back to him with a surprise, "What do you have against us?!"

He continued to drive, "Everything. You'll find out if my plan succeeds, and I'm sure it will because I'm always right."

"... You're not going anywhere with this plan of yours. I already have a lawyer—"

"—You're losing it... You know your dad's wife? Louisse?"

I paused, "What? You know her?"

"She's my prosecutor for this case. If she successfully gets Romeo locked up, your lawyer will lose her job and I'll get to do whatever I want. You'll also be ridiculed, Aria."

"And if I win this...?"

"Then your dad's wife will lose her job and forever be a shame in the law industry. And you don't have enough proof to prove it was me. You don't want that, do you?"

I almost puked. Fuck, should I even believe his loud mouth? Dammit. Dammit! This was the only time I couldn't say anything back... This was humiliating, almost like I've been defeated.

"Your face tells me that I'm right." He lit his cigarette, "Don't be that sad, Aria. At least you have some time left to spare."

"I'm not afraid of what's going to happen because I know you'll lose this situation." My voice became more confident, "I have all the evidence I need. My lawyer is enough, and I already have witnesses by my side."

He stopped the car and got out, "Tell me more about your so-called evidence in my home. I am a busy man, you know?"

"Why your home?" I got out and followed him.

"Let's just say that everything you need is there. Maybe this can be another piece of evidence for you." He gave out a chuckle as he smoked.

I held my breath, "I really don't understand you sometimes."

We made it to the elevator, just the two of us alone again. My plan was still on hold, yet I couldn't grasp the success rate anymore because of Kenzo's words. He sounded very sure that everything would work out for him, which made me feel anxious. Why should I have believed this man from the start? He had the true skills of a manipulator, and I fell for it.

The elevator took its time, longer than usual. I really wanted to kill him but my morals stood right. I couldn't let him win anymore.

"What are you thinking about, Aria?" He glanced towards me, "Is my smoking bothering you?"

I exhaled, "Yeah, it very much is."

"Sorry about that. I guess you could call it my coping mechanism." He crushed it in his hands somehow.

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