5 - The Rules of Game One

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Faith's POV

""Where the hell do you think you have been young lady?!" Is the first thing my father says to me, he doesn't greet me, he doesn't give me hug, he doesn't seem to care that he hasn't seen me for at least a year and that it's a surprise to meet him.

"I'm back now okay. What is so urgent for you to fly across the world and see me?" I ask a little annoyed at his behaviour.

He sighs, and becomes serious. "I have to talk to you, alone, it's...personal." I look towards Ajax, a silent request for him to wait in the living room. He nods and walks out.

"This must be serious. What is it?" I ask sitting down at the table. Father sits down also.

"I'm sorry. I should have told you, and your mum, but...twenty two years ago...I had an affair. I forgot about it completely, I had only met your mum a few days later and we became married within the two years. Just two weeks ago, the women I had an affair with contacted me," He sighed, oh my god, where is this going... "She told me I have a son. He's twenty two now, she said. I got angry with her, I mean, why didn't she tell me when she was pregnant, now I've missed raising a son. She told me she had him put for adopting/fostering as soon as he turned three." I jump when he slams a fist on the table angrily, it's evident he is upset. "She told me he was adopted, that his name is Arron Collins. He was adopted by the Collins family, you know the rich ones." This time I am shocked.

I sit there. Arron...is my brother...step-brother....I get up leaving my father in the kitchen. I make my way to the living room to find Ajax on the phone, he soon ends the call.

"Ajax, you need to get Arron here, right now." I say dead seriously. Ajax has a questioning look, for why would I want Arron, but he phones his brother who is on his way. "Ajax, is your brother fostered, is he not your blood brother?" I ask suddenly in the silence.

"Why the sudden question?" I give him a look that says he has to wait, "He isn't. He isn't my real brother." I let out a breath of relief. If they were blood brothers, and Arron is my fathers son, then it would have meant that my fantasies with Ajax would never be fulfilled. The door bell rings and I let Arron in, he looks confused to. I walk both the men to my kitchen.

"Father, this is Arron Collins, your son." I state, my arm gesturing to Arron. Everyone looks shocked. 

"What?" All three ask. 

"Father, trust me, explain. Again, why this man hear is your son." I state. Father looks startled, but he nods and proceeds to tell us what the meaning is of this. Even after the second time of hearing this, I am still shocked. 

"Fuck this." Arron growls and walks out of the kitchen and the whole house. I'd always wanted a brother, and now I've got one, he doesn't want me. 

"I want a DNA test on the both of you, before we accept this. It may be some time before Arron comes round." Ajax says. I nod, my father has his head in his hands. I sigh. Ajax places a light kiss on my forehead and mutters that he should go 'comfort' his adopted brother. I nod and he leaves too.

I sigh. I leave my father in the kitchen and make my way to my bed. As soon as I flop down my eyes close and I am soon sound asleep.


"Faith?" I jump, startled. Clara is eating her lunch in front of me. "What's wrong? Are you ill?" She asks, concern in her voice. 

"What? Why do you ask?" I ask her, coming back to the present. I'd woken up this morning with a headache, I was also late so I had had no breakfast, but I wasn't hungry anyway. I'd chosen a play-suit to wear today, at first sight it looked like a mega short dress, but then when walking, people should realise it's a play-suit. It is one of my favourite outfits, it was a birthday present from my mum a few years ago. I love the colour ensemble.

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