Chapter Three

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A/N: Next book will be full-length. I'm thinking maybe Dream SMP or Creepypasta. I'm leaning towards Dream SMP because I really like the idea, but Doorframe_Destroyer (also known as my stupidest and only sibling) likes the Creepypasta one. Maybe I'll do one and have the other as a backup. I don't know yet. 

Later that night, you were awoken by a loud clattering sound. It sounded as if someone had fallen down the stairs and hit every single pot and pan in the house on their way down. Unhappy with being woken up, yet concerned for whichever one of your roommates just broke every bone in their body, you begrudgingly got out of your warm bed and peaked your head out the door. Had anyone else heard it? 

Only Noen appeared to hear it. He was standing in the corridor, hair just about as controlled as his facial expression, which was a mix of confusion, fear, and annoyance. 

"What was that?" You as groggily. 

"I don't know," He replied, flipping on the light switch. "It sounded like something broke." 

As soon as the words were out of Noen's mouth, there was another loud bang. Suddenly, Damiar's words from dinner floated into your mind. 

"Sometimes, influencers have fans that are a bit more... devoted, I guess, than others, and take their love a bit too far."

"Do you think one of your fans might have--"

"I hope not. Come on." Noen began to descend the stairs, which you thought was stupid. Had this guy never seen a horror movie before? That was the only rule Randy Meeks didn't say. He said everything else important, but missed the number one rule:

Don't ever, under any circumstances, investigate any sounds. Especially not at stupid o'clock in the morning. 

But Noen was still going. And you couldn't just let him go. What if whoever it was had a weapon? That would be a much bigger problem than ignoring the Rules of Survival. So, against your better judgement, you followed Noen down the stairs to the first floor. 

The marble flooring was icy under your feet, even though the heat was on. But the house was silent. Noen slowly crept forward, making his way towards the back door. He flipped the switch to the porch light and you both watched in terror as a shadow jumped out of the way, hiding itself out of your line of sight. 

"Go hide in the basement. Don't come out until I get you." Noen crept towards the kitchen and opened a drawer, drawing a sharp-looking butchers' knife from it. 



You didn't argue. You were worried about the water damage. If it was truly as bad a Damiar said and the stairs did happen to collapse, you'd be screwed. Double-screwed if Noen was hurt by whoever was outside. Triple-screwed if everyone else managed to stay asleep. Quadruple-screwed if whoever was outside got inside. Your mind ran wild with everything that could possibly go wrong as you opened the door to the basement. 

The strong scent of mildew slapped you harshly as the door creaked open. The steps groaned as you slowly descended, praying that they wouldn't collapse. You groaned as you saw that several of the steps were broken, seemingly not by water, though. No, it looked as if something had fallen on them.

You sighed as you reached the basement floor. You sat down on the floor and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. You were scared and alone in a basement that had water damage, and anybody who knows anything about water damage (you included) knows that it's not very safe. 

Well, you thought you were alone. Until you saw a pair of equally terrified eyes staring at you from a corner. 

"Damiar?" You asked the eyes, hoping it was the one with a knife. "Damiar, is that you?" 

The eyes just blinked in response. 


Another blink. 



"You're not funny," You sighed, pulling your phone from your pocket. You turned on the flashlight and shined it towards the eyes, but what you saw made your heart sink in fear.

There were three people in the basement with you. None of them were your roommates. They were completely unfamiliar to you. One was laying on the floor with his back to you, unmoving. The other two were huddled in the corner. One of them stared at you, blinking slowly. The other was asleep on his shoulder. They both had strips of duct tape over their mouths, hands, and feet. The conscious one continued to blink at you, tilting his head towards his hands. 

"Who are you?" You asked. 

He rolled his eyes and began to shimmy his feet. The tape on his feet was worn in several places, but the layers still kept his legs bound together. 

You crept towards him, and he closed his eyes, shielding them from your light. 

"Here, let me take the tape off." 

You set your phone on the floor and picked up the mans' wrists, quickly undoing the tape. He winced in pain. 

Once the tape was off, he immediately ripped the tape from his mouth, which woke up the man sleeping on his shoulder. 

"Please, you have to help us. Arny isn't waking up, and Kai's getting sick. They're coming back soon. Please! Get us--" 

The mans' voice was cut off by a voice from the top of the stairs. His eyes widened in terror as a voice filled the room. 


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