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Lexie had been sick with the stomach flu all week.

Some kid on the pediatric ward had coughed in her face while she was taking his temperature.

When Lexie Grey got sick, she was a total baby about it. Always was, ever since she was little. She'd win over her parents with her weak, sick voice and refused to get out of bed.

She pretended to hate the attention, but really, she loved it. She loved being delivered soup and tea and laying around in bed, feeling sorry for herself.

She was an adult now, though. She couldn't just take a day off because she had a stomach ache.

She'd tried to come in today, but she'd been so bad that Meredith actually told her to go home.

The truth was that even for a doctor, Lexie was quite shit at nursing herself back to health.

She couldn't keep anything down without ending up keeled over the toilet, so she stayed in the bathroom, and she refused to go back to bed.

Bored out of her mind, she decided to call April in the hopes that maybe her girlfriend would feel sorry for her and come home and give her attention.

It was a long shot, but April still answered almost instantly.

"Lexie? Are you okay? Are you feeling any better?"

"I feel like I got poisoned and kicked around.. so no."

She could hear April's sighs through the phone.

"Oh, you poor thing.. Have you been able to keep anything down?"


Another sigh followed.

"Are you still in bed?"

"I am on the bathroom floor."

There was a long silence.

"Right.. I can't get off early today, but do you want me to pick you up anything on the way home? Do you need anything?"

Lexie didn't even miss a beat.


"I walked right into that one, didn't I? -"

"Yes, you did.."

There was another long silence before Lexie broke it once again.

"Seriously speaking, though.. If you could get me soup, I would really appreciate it, I don't know what my sister left me here, but it is not soup.."

She heard April chuckle a little.

"I'll see what I can do.."


When April came home, she saw Lexie out cold on the couch and passed out to whatever shitty romcom she was watching.

She looked very pale. April reached over the side of the couch to feel her forehead gently, trying not to wake her up.

Her fever had gone down a bit, which was good.

April pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead and paused the TV before she went to get the soup situation sorted.

When Lexie woke up, she heard some pots and pans banging in the kitchen, which meant she was being robbed, or April was home, and she was too sick to investigate.

April peeked around the corner seeing Lexie was awake and smiled at her.

"Hey.. I put the soup on, which should be a few minutes.."

Lexie sat up a little and nodded.

"Thank you, I love you.."

After her soup was ready, April brought it over on a tray and everything because she knew Lexie would complain about having to stand up and walk for 5 seconds.

Lexie was enjoying the power she had right now.

April brushed hair out of her girlfriends face and gave her another sympathetic smile.

"Hope that's okay.."

Lexie looked at her with nothing but genuine love.

"It is.. Could you get me another pillow, please?"

April rolled her eyes playfully and grabbed her another pillow from the armchair.

"Any more requests, princess?"

Lexie thought about it but patted the space next to herself.

"Well, because you're here.."

April shook her head and sat down beside her, Lexie seemed very pleased with herself.

"What are we watching?"

Lexie shrugged because, honestly, she didn't even know.

"I'm going to be honest, I turned on the TV, and this was on.. Then I fell asleep."

April listened as Lexie explained the plot based on what she'd seen before she conked out. That photographic memory never failed to amaze her.

They both decided, however, that the movie was crap and they should watch something else. So, of course, like civilised adults, they watched Frozen.

They attempted to sing all the songs, but Lexie's voice was a goner.

When it was over, April leaned in to give her a kiss, and Lexie held the collar of her jumper for a split second.

"You know, you really shouldn't kiss your patients, Dr. Kepner.."

April laughed, and she kissed her anyway, though she really should've listened because days later, she inevitably caught the stomach flu, too.

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