Chapter Two: The Werido on Maple Street

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Mike- is there a number we can call for your parents? Dustin- where's your hair? Do you have Cancer? Lucas- did you run away?Mike- are you in some kind of trouble?Lucas- is that blood? Lucas goes to reach in but Bianca snakes his handBianca- Stop ...

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Mike- is there a number we can call for your parents?
Dustin- where's your hair? Do you have Cancer?
Lucas- did you run away?
Mike- are you in some kind of trouble?
Lucas- is that blood?
Lucas goes to reach in but Bianca snakes his hand
Bianca- Stop it! You guys are freaking her out with all this questions!
Lucas- She's freaking me out!
Dustin- I bet she's deaf
Claps to see if she's deaf
Dustin- not deaf
Mike- all right that's enough all right she's just scared and cold
Goes to get her clothes
Mike- here these are clean okay?
She puts her face in the warm clothing takes off the jacket about to take her shirt off
Dustin- oh my god oh my god
Bianca- That's the bathroom you change in their Privacy okay?
About close the door but she grabs on
Bianca- you don't want it closed?
?- No
Bianca- Oh so you can speak okay about we keep the door...just like this
Almost close but not that open either
Dustin- This is metal
Mike- at least she can talk
Lucas- she said "no and "yes" your three year old sister says more
Dustin- she tried to get naked
Lucas- there's something seriously wrong with her like wrong in the head
Dustin- she just went like...
Does same thing
Lucas- I bet she escaped from Pennhurst
Mike- from where?
Bianca- the nuthouse in Kerley County
Dustin- you got a lot of family there?
Lucas- bite me seriously though think about it that would explain her shaved hair and why she's so crazy
Dustin- why she went like...
Lucas- she's a escapee is the point she's probably a psycho
Dustin- Like Michael Myers
Lucas- excerpt! We should've brought her here
Mike- so you just wanted to leaver her out in that storm?
Lucas- yes! You we went out to find Will not another problem
Bianca- Lucas wouldn't you run away from your family if they done something bad to you or anything that would have hurt you?
Lucas- well yeah...
Bianca- exactly! She doesn't know how to progress with this
Dustin- I think we should tell your mom
Lucas- I second that
Mike- who's crazy now?
Lucas- how is that crazy?
Mike- cause we weren't supposed to be out tonight remember?
Lucas- so?
Bianca- so if Mike tells his mom and she tells your mom and your mom...
Dustin- oh man
Lucas- our houses become Alcatraz
Mike- Exactly we'll never find Will all right here's the plan she sleeps here tonight
Dustin- you're letting a girl-
Bianca- Dustin!
Mike- just listen in the morning she sneaks around my house goes to the front door and rings my doorbell my mom will answer and know exactly what to do she'll send her back to Pennhurst or wherever she comes from we'll be totally in the clear and tomorrow night we go back out and this time we find Will
Goes upstairs to leave and waits to see Mike and the girl
Mike- here you go this is my sleeping bag
Dustin- you really think she's psycho?
Lucas- wouldn't want her in my house
Bianca- Shut up Lucas!
Dustin- Mental
Bianca goes home to see Steve standing there mad
Steve- where the hell where you?
Bianca- I was helping out with something okay!
Steve- I don't care! You were supposed to come straight home!
Bianca- Steve I am not child no more okay! Just leave me alone!
Goes to her room and goes to sleep and waits until the next day and Someone knocks on her door
Steve- May I come in?
Bianca- Fine
Steve- I am sorry I overreacting yesterday you are my sister you are my first priority
Bianca- I know and I'm sorry to I guess I hate getting treat like a child
Steve- we'll mom and dad left the go on a business trip
Bianca- oh okay let's get ready than
At school
Steve- I don't know I think you've studied enough Nance
Nancy- Steve-
Steve- I'm telling you you know you got this don't worry now on to more important matters Our far has left town on a conference and my moms gone with him cause you know she doesn't trust him
Tommy- good call
Steve- so are you in?
Nancy- in for what?
Carol- No parents? big house?
Nancy- a party?
Carol- ding ding ding!
Nancy- it's Tuesday
Tommy- it's Tuesday! Oh my god
Bianca- shut up! You two
Steve- come on it'll be low key it'll just be us what do you say? Are you in or are you out?
Nancy- um...
Carol- oh god look
Steve- oh god that's depressing
Nancy- Should we say something?
Carol- I don't think he speaks
Tommy- how much you want to bet he killed him?
Bianca- Dude shut up! How would you react if one of your family goes missing? I'm going to talk to him
Nancy- I'll go with you
Nancy- hey
Johnathan- oh hey
Bianca- I am very sorry about your brother don't lose hope we will find him
Nancy- Everyone's thinking about you it sucks
Johnathan- yeah
Nancy- I'm sure he's fine he's a smart kid we have to go Chemistry Test
Johnathan- yeah
Nancy- good luck
Johnathan- thanks
After school Bianca went to check up the girl at the Wheelers house
Lucas- are you out of your mind?
Mike- just listen to me
Lucas- you are out of your mind
Mike- she knows about Will
Dustin- what do you mean she knows about Will?
Mike- she pointed at him at his pictures she knew he was missing I could tell
Lucas- you could tell?
Miek- just think about it do you really think it was a coincidence that we found her on Mirkwood the same place where will disappeared?
Bianca- that's weird
Miek- and she said bad people are after her I think maybe these bad people are the same ones that took Will I think she knows what happened to him
Lucas- then why doesn't she tell us? Do you know where he is? Do you know where Will is?
Bianca- Lucas! Get you hands off her right now! And you are scaring her!
Lucas- she should be scared! If you know where he is tell us! This is nuts we have to take her to your mom
Mike- No! Eleven said telling any adult would put us in danger
Dustin- what kind of danger?
Lucas- her name is Eleven?
Mike- El for short
Dustin- Mike what kind of danger?
Mike- Danger danger
Puts two finger up to Dustin's and Bianca's and Lucas but he smacks it away
Lucas- No no no! We're going back to plan A we're telling your mom
Opens the door but it's closes it try's again but close it again and locks it and look back at her
Eleven- No
Sees her nose bleeding and Bianca knew about it and was going question it but Wheelers family called them down to eat dinner
Mike mom- something wrong with the meatloaf?
Dustin- oh no I had two bolinga sandwiches for lunch I don't know why
Lucas- me too
Nancy- it's delicious mommy
Mike mom- thank you sweetie
Nancy- So there this... special assembly thing tonight...for will at the school field barbs driving
Mike mom- why am I just hearing about this?
Nancy- I thought you knew
Mike mom-I told you I don't want you out after dark until Will is found
Nancy- I know I know but it's be super weird if I'm not there I mean everyone's going
Mike mom- back by 10:00 why don't you take the boys too?
Mike- No!
Lucas- No!
Dustin- Mmm-mmm
Mike mom- don't you think you should be there? For will?
Bianca- All do respect Mrs Wheeler it's very hard to attend to assembly when you are friends with someone for dear life which it's hard to let go and I understand where they are going from
Sees Eleven going down stairs and Bianca puts her hand down and pushes El to go down to the Basement

be back by 10:00 why don't you take the boys too?Mike- No!Lucas- No!Dustin- Mmm-mmmMike mom- don't you think you should be there? For will?Bianca- All do respect Mrs Wheeler it's very hard to attend to assembly when you are friends with someone fo...

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Dustin- sorry Spasm
Mike mom-'s okay Holly it's just a loud noise
Nancy- Nice
Goes down to the basement
Mike- El? No adults just us and some meatloaf don't worry they won't tell anyone about you they promise right?
Dustin- we never would've upset you if we knew you had superpowers
Mike hits Dustin
Dustin- Ow!
Bianca- what Dustin is trying to say is that they were just scared...earlier that's all
Lucas- we just wanted to find out friend
Eleven- "friend"?
Lucas- yeah friend will?
Eleven- what is "friend"?
Lucas- is she serious? Um a friend-
Mike- is someone that you'd do anything for
Dustin- you lend them your cool stuff like comic books and trading cards
Mike- and they never break a promise
Lucas- especially when there's spit
Eleven- spit?
Lucas- a spit swear never break your word it's a bond
Lucas spit on his hand to shake Dustin hand
Mike- that's super important because friends...they tell each other things things that parents don't know
Bianca- Hey um Eleven can you show me your left wrist?
Eleven shows her wrist and sees the number "011" and Bianca picks up her wrist and shows her "000"
Bianca- you're just like me
Dustin- so you have superpowers as well?
Bianca- um yeah I do
Little bit they talk
Lucas- what's the weirdo doing?
Bianca- she's focusing
Mike- El?
Grabs the wizard
Eleven- Will
Dustin- superpowers
Mike- did you see him on Mirkhood? Do you know where he is?
Drops the characters flips it around and puts Wizard on the black game board
Mike- I don't understand
Eleven- hiding
Mike- Will is hiding? From the bad man? From who?
Brings the demogorgon
Bianca- I have to go home okay
Mike- Make sure Nancy is home and doesn't do anything stupid with your brother
Bianca- I will make sure of it
Bianca goes home to see the party is still going on and she goes up stairs to change and go sleep until she didn't notice someone was outside

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