Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat

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Eleven is laying down on the couch
Mike- what was Will saying? Like home...Like home...but dark?
Lucas- and empty
Dustin- Empty and cold wait did he say cold?
Lucas- I don't know that stupid radio kept going in and out
Dustin- it's like riddles in the dark
Bianca- Like home like his own house?
Lucas- or maybe like Hawkins
Eleven- Upside down
Lucas- what's she say?
Bianca- Upside down
Lucas- what?
Bianca- Upside down when El shows us where Will was she flipped the board over remember? Upside down dark empty
Lucas- do you understand what she's talking about?
Dustin- No
Mike- guys come one think about it when El took us to find will she took us to his house right?
Lucas- yeah and he wasn't there
Mike- what if he was there? What if we couldn't see him? What if he was on the other side? What if this is Hawkins and...this is where Will is? The upside down
Dustin- Like the Vale of Shadows
Gets the book of Dungeons & Dragons book
Dustin- "The Vale of Shadows is a dimension that is a dark reflection or echo of our world it is a place of decay and death" "a plane out of phase a place of monsters it is right next to you and you don't even see it"
Mike- An alternate dimension
Lucas- do we get there?
Dustin- you cast shadow walk
Bianca- in real life Dustin
Dustin- we can't shadow walk but...maybe she can
Mike- do you know how we get there? To the Upside down?
Lucas- oh my god!
The next day Bianca goes and gets ready for Will Byers funeral

After the Funeral they go back to the Wheelers house to go explain Clarke's theory to Eleven Mike- it would take a lot of energy to build a gate like this but that's got to be what happened otherwise how'd will get there right?Eleven- right Lucas-...

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After the Funeral they go back to the Wheelers house to go explain Clarke's theory to Eleven
Mike- it would take a lot of energy to build a gate like this but that's got to be what happened otherwise how'd will get there right?
Eleven- right
Lucas- what we want to know is do you know where the gate is?
El shakes her head no
Lucas- then how do you know about the Upside down?
Bianca- Hey um Dustin are you okay? What are you even doing?
Mike- Dustin!
Lucas- Dustin!
Dustin- I...I need to see your compasses
Mike- what?
Dustin- your compasses all of your compasases right now!
Mike- whats exciting about this?
Dustin- we'll they're all facing north right?
Lucas- yeah so?
Dustin- we'll that's not true north
Mike- what do you mean?
Dustin- I mean exactly what I just said that's not true north are you both seriously this dense?
Bianca- The sun rises in the east and it sets in the west right? Which means that's true north
Mike- so what you're saying is the compasses are broken
Dustin- do you even understand how a compass works do you see a battery pack on this?
Mike- No
Dustin- No you don't because it doesn't need one the needles naturally drawn to the Earths magnetic North Pole
Lucas- so whats wrong with them?
Dustin- well that's what I couldn't figure out but the I remembered you can change the direction of a compass with a magnet if there's the presence of a more powerful magnet field the needle deflects to that power and then I remembered what Mr. Clarke said the gate would have so much power-
Mike- it could disrupt the electromagnetic field
Dustin- exactly
Lucas- meaning if we follow the compass north...
Bianca- then it should lead us to the gate to find Will
They get a head start to go follow the compass to lead them to the gate
Lucas- How much further?
Dustin- I don't know there's only tell direction not distance you really need to learn more about compasses
Bianca- if one you guys legs hurt I will piggyback you guys alright?
Lucas- Thanks but I'm just saying how do we know when we get to the gate?
Dustin- uh I think a portal to another dimension is gonna be pretty obvious
Lucas looks behind eleven and Mike
Lucas- do you think she's acting weird?
Dustin- you're asking if the weirdo is acting weird?
Lucas- I mean weirder than normal?
Dustin- I don't care who cares?
Bianca- Lucas just leave Eleven alone she is been helping us trying to find Will
Been walking for a while now and we just stop
Dustin- oh no
Bianca- what happened?
Dustin- we're headed back home
Mike- what?
Lucas- are you sure?
Dustin- yeah I'm sure setting sun right there we looped right back around
Lucas- and you're just realizing this now?
Dustin- why is this all on me?
Lucas- because you're the compass genius!
Dustin- what do yours say?
Three- North
Dustin- makes no damn sense
Mike- maybe the gate moved
Bianca- The gate would not move and I don't think I it's the gate it has to do something with the compasses
Mike- maybe it's one thing here
Dustin- No it has to be like a super magnet
Bianca- yeah the compass would start spinning weird because of how much the magnet
Lucas- it's not the magnet she's been acting weirder than normal if she can slam doors with her mind she can definitely screw up a compass
Mike- why would she do that?
Lucas- because she trying to sabotage our mission because she's a traitor!
Mike- Lucas what are you doing?
Lucas- you did it didn't you? You don't want us to reach the gate you don't want us to find will
Mike- Lucas come one seriously
Lucas- admit it
Eleven- No
Lucas- Admit it!
Brings up her sleeves to see fresh blood
Lucas- Fresh blood I knew it
Mike- Lucas come on!
Lucas- I saw her wiping her nose on the tracks she was using her powers!
Mike- what if it was Bianca ever thought about that?
Bianca- Does my nose bleed? No my hands turn almost blue and I wouldn't do it because I want to find Will because he's just kid!
Mike- Bull! That's old blood right El? Right El?
Eleven - it''s not safe
Lucas- What did I tell you? She's been playing us from the beginning!
Mike- that's not true she helped us find Will!
Lucas- Find will? Find will? Where is he then? Huh I don't see him
Mike- yeah you know what I mean
Lucas- No I actually don't just think about it Mike she could've just told us where the Upside down was right away but she didn't she just made us run around like heartless chickens
Dustin- All calm down!
Lucas- No! She used us all of us! She helped just enough so she could get what she wants food and a bed and probably unite with Bianca she's like a stray dog
Mike- screw your Lucas!
Bianca- Okay that's enough already both of you!
Lucas- No! Screw you Mike you're blind...blind because you like that's a girls not grossed out by you but wake up man! Wake the hell up! She knows where Will is and now she's just letting him die in the upside down
Mike- shut up!
Lucas- for all we know it's her fault
Mike- shut up
Lucas- we're looking for some stupid monster...but did you ever stop to think that maybe she's the monster?
Mike- I said shut up!
Starts fighting
Bianca- Stop! Now!
Eleven- Stop!
Dustin- knock it off you idiots
Bianca- Wheeler! Sinclair!
Eleven- stop it!
Dustin- Mike get off!
Eleven- stop it!
She screams and pushes Lucas and he goes sliding a lot and crashes to a cement wall
Dustin- Jesus!
Mike- Lucas! Lucas! Lucas are you all right?
Bianca- Lucas! Wake up!
Dustin- Lucas come on!
Mike- Lucas wake up! Lucas
Dustin- Come on Lucas!
Mike- why would you do that?
Dustin- come on
Mike- What's wrong with you? What is wrong with you?
Bianca- Do not blame this on her! You guys were scaring her when you and Lucas were fighting! So don't you blame her!
Dustin- Come on wake up come on!
Mike- Lucas....
Bianca- Lucas come on!
Sees Lucas waking up
Mike- Lucas Lucas you okay?
Dustin- Lucas...Lucas how many fingers am I holding up? Lucas how many finger am I holding up?
Mike- Let me see your head
Lucas- Get off of me!
Pushes Mike hands and they give him space
Mike- just...Lucas Lucas let me see
Lucas- get off of me!
Bianca- Mike I got this...Lucas hey can I see your head?
Lucas let's her see his head she checks and see that he didn't not hurt him self
Bianca- you are can leave okay I know this is lot to take in
He leaves
Mike- Lucas come on
Dustin- let him go man let him go
Bianca- where's El?
Mike- El! El!
Dustin- Eleven!
Bianca- El! Eleven!
Dustin- El!
Mike- Eleven!

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