Drinking into a slumber

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Pov (Y.N)
I don't care anymore I feel betrayed and angry and sad its only 3pm but I'm drinking and I frankly don't care.

Pov (Matthew)
I got the call around 6pm (Y.N) in a bar on her own and she been drinking since 3pm and she now not being served anymore I get in the car and drive over there immediately when I walk in (Y.N) clearly angry "Hey" I say looking at her "Hi" she says clearly confused on why I'm here "Come on lets get you home" I say looking at her "Nah, I perfure to stay here" She says "Don't be silly you won't get served here anymore" I say "Fine then I'll go somewhere else" she says walking out of the door "I'll take you to another pub" I say looking at her. "Okay then" she says getting into my car, when I make the turn onto our street she looks annoyed "This is the way home" she says looking at me "It's where we're going" I say as I drive "Why?" She asks "Because you've drunk enough that's why" I say "Why do you care?" She asks which catches me off guard "Your my bestfriend that's why and I care about you" I say. When we got back I held onto her out of fear she might fall over we go into the house and I take her to her room lying her on her side in her room and going into the kitchen to get two bottle of water and a sick bucket when I return she still lying down, "Here sit up" I say she does as she told "Drink this" I say handing her the drink, she drinks the drink and than looks at me I grab the second bottle and I pass it her "No more" she says looking at me "Just this one I promise" I say holding out my pinky finger "Only for you" she says before drinking the rest of the water. She then lies down and begins to sleep, I stay by her side all night to make sure she fine when the morning comes and I see her open her eyes I know I need to find outs what wrong.

Pov (Y.N)
I woke up to Matthew sat in a chair by my bed "Good morning" he says with a smile "Morning" I say looking at him "It looks like a hospital" I say which makes him laugh "Sorry I just didn't want you to be on your own that's all, What happened yesterday why did you drink so much?" He asks looking at me "To be real with you I just don't care anymore I'm tired and I feel betrayed all the time I keep thinking of what I should of done at the time and how my life would be so diffrent if I hadn't got with that prick or met that lier Kelsey she supposed to be my bestfriend and yet that whole Time she was going behind my back and treating me so poorly, she was supposed to be my bestfriend how could she do that it just keeps going round and round in my head and the fact Eva knew and didn't tell me it hurt it really does" I say to which he looked at me with hurt in his eyes "I'm so sorry you feel that way, You know you can talk to me whenever you need to right, I won't tell anyone what you say I don't want you to suffer on your own I need to know you will tell me if things get this bad" he says looking at me "Yeah,okay" I say he gives me a weak smile "Come here" he says pulling me into a hug. "I need to tell you something?" He say "What that?" I ask confused "Do you promise you won't get that drunk again on a pity party?" He asks looking at me "I promise" I say wrapping my pinky finger around he's. "Good, I love you" he says smiling "I love you to" I say back.

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