out of her league - mckenna grace (P A R T 2)

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I've been sick. Like, actually sick. Ever since I saw Mckenna with the guy, it's like I've cause an infectious disease. Like Mckenna gave me heartbroken girl cold.

Today is my last day in quarantine. Yes, I got Covid. A stupid kid didn't wash his hands after blowing his nose, and I touched the same seat as him. Yuck. So now I'm stuck at home, in bed, watching Rory kiss Dean a million times, and Luke and Lorelei flirt almost every second. I usually don't watch romance related stuff, but Im just in the mood. I have a box of tissues next to my bed, and my trash is full of used icky balled up tissues. I take the bag, tie it up, and put my mask on as I head downstairs. I see my mom, making dinner.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?" She asks me.

"Well, I don't feel achy and tired, and my fever has gone back down to 81.4. So I think I'm good," I explain. My mom smiles.

"Im glad. Now you can go to school tomorrow, right?" I hesitate. I still haven't talked to Mckenna. Well, she's texted me, but I've been too heartbroken to respond. And we're actually decent friends. Even texting friends. But the last time we've texted was about French homework and ranting about how Mr. Horowitz didn't let a girl sit out of P.E. who had terrible cramps. That was two weeks ago.

"Yeah, sure," I say. I put the trash in the kitchen trash and head upstairs. I decide to start working on my ELA final, which is a ginormous project. We have to write an opinion essay about our book we read, make a character poster, which explains the character's personality and interests and stuff, and write a speech on the character poster. It's a lot.

An hour later, after I am finished with dinner and halfway done with my essay, I see that Walker has called me. I call him back, sanitizing my hands.

"What's up rat," I say.

"What's good. I'm pretty bored. School isn't the same without you," Walker explains. I adjust my camera to face my face.

"Wow, you look..." his voice trailed off.

"Oh shut up! I've been sick, and I know you can't be talking." I take a sip of my apple juice, and spin around in my chair.

"Hey, at least I pull fan girls. Anyway, how are you feeling about the whole Mckenna situation?" Walker asks me. He hasn't brought it up too often, unless I wanted to talk about it.

"Im great. Im actually over her," I lie.

"That's a lie."

"Okay, you're right. But clearly she doesn't like me. So why waste my time, you know?" I say. Getting over her has been the hardest thing to do. Im definitely not over her, not even close.

"Don't worry, you deserve someone who likes you back. And who isn't a jerk, like the other people you've liked. But I got to go, gotta finish this French assignment. See you tomorrow?"

"Thanks, Walker. And yeah, I'll be there tomorrow. Bye," I say, hanging up the phone shortly after.


Im walking past Mr. H's house. He's sitting outside, eating scrambled eggs with hot sauce and sausage. I wave to him.

"Hey y/n, feeling better? I heard you were sick," Mr. H asks.

"Yep, don't really want to go back to school," I explain. "Can I sit? Im a little early this morning."

"Yeah, take a seat," Mr. H says calmly. "What's on your mind?"

"Well, I have this terribly long final for ELA, and this girl I liked is going out with someone. So it's been a rough week," I rant. He nods.

"I overheard her in the hallway on my way to first period. As long as she's happy."

"You're such a kind person, you know that? You care about others, but how are you feeling? It's good that you care about her feelings, but are you okay?" Mr. H asks. I sit in silence. I tug on my cargo shorts.

"No," I say, and a tear rolls down my cheek. Then another. Then three. Soon, my eyes are raining. I struggle to breathe without sniffling every second. I take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out.

"Let me tell you this. As a 40 year old man, our experiences are way different. I was a teen a long time ago, and you are a teen now. It's totally different. But one thing that has never changed is to tell her how you feel. Even though she went out to eat with that person, what if it was in a friendly way? Or she didn't like the person? You never know until you try," Mr. H says. I smile.

"Wow, thanks Mr. H. I will, or at least try to. Well, I gotta go. Maybe I can do it before my ELA class. I'll tell you how it went after school!" I say quickly. I hop out of the porch chair, and run in my adidas sneakers to school.


I plop my ELA notebook, textbook, and laptop carefully on the ground. I put my phone in my pocket, ignoring the text I got from Mckenna last night. At two am, she asked me if I was coming back to school tomorrow. Clearly, she got the answer as I saw her drop her bag and run to give me a hug.

"Oh my lord, you're back! Are you okay?" Mckenna asks. I hug her back.

"Well, I need to talk to you. In private." I say. She nods, and shoves her backpack in her locker. She has study hall first period, so she doesn't need any books. We walk into the bathroom, and into the handicap stall. That might sound weird, but I don't want anyone walking in on us talking.

"Listen, I get that you went on a date with that one guy, Oliver. But I really like you. Since around the beginning of high school. You're a really sweet, kind, funny girl. You're also hot. But, I bet you probably want to stay friends but i just needed to let that off my chest-"

Before I knew it, she was hugging me. Again, but her hands were around my waist, and she was kissing my neck. I hugged back, then we released.

"Okay, so that guy I went out with was just because he was tutoring me and he told me we had to go out if I wanted to be tutored. And I had to act happy about it, even though it was the most boring, trash date ever," Mckenna ranted.

"Oh, I get it now. Well, I assume you like me?"

"Yeah, ever since sophomore year, I've had my eyes on you," she said. "Also, can I kiss you?"

"Of course." So, she did. And that was the best day in high school ever.

a/n :

hey yall, this is the longest one shot I've written ever! 1132 words lol. thanks for 6.8k views. yall are the best! thanks for reading,

-ur local rat 🐀 

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