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Alyvia had spent the next week helping Kelsi prepare her brother and Gabrielle for the callbacks

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Alyvia had spent the next week helping Kelsi prepare her brother and Gabrielle for the callbacks. Rehearsing everyday, every chance they could; before school, after school, even during school hours, the four of them were rehearsing the song Breaking Free.

Liv was sitting in the library with her brother who went to find a book when she heard a familiar voice fill the quiet room.

"What spell has this elevated-IQ temptress girl cast that suddenly makes you wanna be in a musical?" Chad's voice was heard but the boy was not seen by the Bolton girl.

"Look, I just did it. Who cares?" Troy said.

"Who cares? How about your most loyal best friend?" Chad questioned. "Look you're a hoops dude not a musical singing person. Have you ever seen Michael Crawford on a cereal box?"

"Who's Michael Crawford?" Troy questioned as the duo finally came into sight of the boy's twin sister.

"Exactly my point." Chad said, quickly placing his basketball on the book, forcing Troy to look at him. "He was the Phantom of the Opera on Broadway. Now my mom, she's seen that musical 27 times, and put Michael Crawford's picture in our refrigerator. Yeah, not on it, in it. So my point is, if you play basketball, you're gonna end up on the cereal box. If you're in musicals, you'll end up in my mom's refrigerator."

"Why would she put his picture in her refrigerator?" Troy questioned

"One of her crazy diet ideas. I don't attempt to understand the female mind, Troy." Chad spoke loudly, causing Miss Falsaff; the librarian to appear beside the books, looking at the boy with a warning glare for his loudness. "It's frightening territory."

Troy quietly made his may back to his table that held Alyvia, causing the Danforth boy to finally notice the girl as he leant on the table in front of her.

The boy attempted to send the girl a smile but she quickly looked away, turning her attention back to her book.

"How can you expect the rest of us to be focused on a game if you're off somewhere in leotards, singing 'Twinkle Town?" Chad questioned.

"No one said anything about leotards." Troy said, pointing at the boy before looking at his sister. "Right, Liv?"

"There are no leotards, dear brother." Liv said, flipping the page in her book, causing the boy to let out a sigh as the girl let out a chuckle. "You're all good."

"Not yet, my friend, but just you wait." Chad said. "Look, we need you, Captain. Big time."

"Mr. Danforth." Miss Falsaff spoke firmly, stepping behind the boy, causing Liv to peek up from her book at the woman.

"I tried to tell him, Miss Falsaff." Chad said, holding his hands up in defense. "I really tried."

Chad glanced over at the Bolton girl, causing their eyes to lock for a few seconds before the girl looked back down at her book.

The Danforth boy let out a sigh before standing up from the table, heading for the door.

Alyvia glanced up, watching the boy walk away until the door closed behind him.


"Liv." A voice called, causing the girl to quickly look over her shoulder, spotting the Danforth boy, causing her to turn back around as she continued walking. "Hey, hey, hey."

The boy grabbed onto the girl's hand, causing her to stop as she turned to face the boy with an annoyed look.

"I'm sorry, okay." Chad said. "I didn't know this musical thing meant so much, alright. I don't want you to be mad at me. If it means that much to you, I will come to your callback thing. Just please stop being mad at me."

"You'd really do that for me?" Alyvia asked, smiling at the boy. "And I wasn't mad, just annoyed. Besides, I'm not the one you should be apologizing to."

"I know. Do you know where he is? Me and the guys want to apologize to him... we haven't really been much of a team." Chad asked.

"No. I don't." Alyvia said, causing the boy's face to fall. "But I'll let him know you're looking for him if I see him."

"Tell him to meet us in the locker room before free period ends." Chad said, causing the girl to send a smile before she began walking away. "I'll see you later."

Liv let out a chuckle as she shook her head as she made her way to the one place she knew he would be; the rehearsal room with Kelsey.

There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach

If we're tryin', yeah, we're breakin' free

Alyvia quietly stepped into the room but the girl was still spotted, causing the boy to trail off before stopping.

"Sounding good, Troy." Alyvia said, smiling proudly at the boy as she locked it behind her.

"Yeah, thanks." Troy said, scratching the back of his neck, not knowing what to say.

"Also, Chad's looking for you." Alyvia spoke. "He wants you to meet him and the team in the locker room before the free period is over."

"Alright." Troy said, looking around the room. "I'll be back."

Troy made his way out the door, causing Liv to turn her attention to the pianist.

"Are you ready for the callbacks?" Kelsey questioned as she lightly played the piano.

"I think so." Alyvia said, letting out a sigh. "The song is beautiful but I'm just scared that I won't do it any justice."

"Let's hear it." Kelsi said, causing the Neilsen girl to begin playing the piano as Alyvia gave her friend an unsure look. "You'll be fine."

As Alyvia went to open her mouth to sing but was cut off by the sound of cheering and screaming from outside the window.

The Bolton girl slowly made her way to the window before she noticed the big crowd gathered around the fountain and in the center of it all was her brother and his teammates.

Little did she know at that moment was what broke her brother.

"Liv!" Kelsi called, causing the Bolton girl to quickly look over her shoulder to the Neilson girl. "Ready to rehearse?"

"Yeah." Alyvia said, making her way back to the piano, taking a seat beside her friend before sending her a nod. "Okay."

can you see me?


As the days rolled by Liv watched her brother's happiness go further and further down the drain.

Not to mention she could tell Gabriella was feeling the same way.


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