Friends? #3

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Izumi POV-

My alarm woke me up on time giving me an hour before I was to head out for school. As I was brushing my teeth, my phone lit up showing I had received a text. A text? From who? Literally no one has my number

Unknown Number: Hey Eve!!! Wanna walk with me to school??

Who the fuck is this!? Wait! Did some random stalker fan somehow get my number!?!? Oh no! This is bad!! Shit shit shit!!

Unknown Number: This is Ruby btw!

Oh. OH! Forgot I gave her my number yesterday. My bad. I added her contact then answered her

Ruby🩷✨: This is Ruby btw!!

Me: Oh hey Ruby! Yea I'd love to! Meet you at Furawazu park?

Ruby🩷✨: Yea sure! Sounds good!
Ruby🩷✨: Oh! And is it ok if Aqua tags along?

Oh yea they're twins. I guess it's rude if I say no plus I like Aqua anyways so why not

Me: yea of course!

Ruby🩷✨: Perfect! Ttyl!

Me: ttyl


I quickly finished brushing my teeth and overall getting ready. I looked at myself in the mirror before I left

My shiny blue eyes sparkled radiantly. My dark hair with a hint of blue was styled to perfection. My school uniform was now customized to my liking curtsy of my mom. We read the rule book and read about uniforms. I'm no longer wearing the jacket but I'm still wearing the bow. My sleeves are short. I have shorts under my skirt but not the short-short ones they provide. These are legitimate shorts and they show a bit under the skirt. All these changes are ok according to the school handbook. Thank goodness

After I was done I went downstairs. Once I reached the end I got a text

Ruby🩷✨: hey! We're almost at Furawazu park!

Crap! I'm not even out of the house yet!

Me: same! See you soon!

Why the fuck would I say that- damnit I'm so stupid

I rushed to the door. I need to bolt to the park right now!!

I ran out of the house and bolted down the street. I ran and ran and ran. I have good endurance but running this fast this early isn't the easiest

I soon approached the park. I stopped at the entrance to catch my breath. I can't let Ruby see me worn out. She'll know I wasn't actually near the park when she texted!

"Are you ok?" A voice asked from behind

"EEKK!!" I jolted up and turned around

When I turned I got met with a boy with blond hair and bright blue eyes. Aqua. Fuck

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you" he says stone faced. That doesn't seem like a sorry face Aqua but ok-

"It's alright. I'm fine" I answer him

"Did you just run here?" He asks

I guess he can see the sweat and the fact that he saw me hunched over heavy breathing also adds

"Maybe....." I reply, "wait"


"Why are you at the entrance anyways? Why aren't you with Ruby?" I ask

~My One and Only Star~ Aqua x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now