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"Now take a sip of that Moonshine." Quinn says with a grin.

"I'm scared- I've never had it before."

"Just try it!" She playfully punches his shoulder. He laughs and opens the jar. He sniffs it, grimacing at the smell.

"That smells disgusting-"

"Once your tipsy you won't be able to taste it."

"That's very comforting." He takes a sip and swallows it. He coughs harshly and starts chuckling. "Jesus christ that's strong!"

Quinn laughs and takes the jar, taking a sip of it herself. "Oh crap that is strong." She coughs a bit before handing the jar back to Parker and grabbing one of the other jars to drink out of it. 

"Have you ever gotten drunk before, Quinn?" Parker asks, taking another sip from the jar. 

"Only once. At a high school party." 

"Really? You must have gone to a wild high school." 

"Yeah I guess I did. It wasn't that great, the party. I was kinda forced into drinking as much as I did by a few friends." 

"They didn't seem like very good friends." 

"They weren't." 

The two sit in silence, sipping from the jars occasionally. Parker feels his brain go a bit fuzzy and his senses dull a bit as he keeps drinking. 

"You're the first real friend I've had in a long time." 


"Mhm." He takes a drink from the jar, looking down as he swirls the liquid in the jar. "I didn't have good friends as a kid." 

"Cause..." Quinn urges Parker to continue. 

"I dunno. I didn't fit in. And as I got older I decided what I looked like wasn't...me. I wasn't myself and I didn't know how to fix it. I tried to tell my friends but they all looked at me like I was weird, like because I wasn't what they thought I was that I'd be different." 

"Because you're...trans, right?" She asks, scooting a bit closer to him so their shoulders are touching. 

He nods, "Then I told my parents a year before the outbreak happened. My mom was...on the fence about all of it but she came around and started calling me Parker, using he/him for me. I appreciated that she did and I couldn't be more than happy. However my dad, he didn't even try. I remember wishing that he'd just listened to me and my mom, maybe he would've changed his mind." Parker's voice starts to get a slur to it as he keeps drinking. Quinn notices this and carefully takes the drink away, setting it aside. 

"I'm sorry..." 

"You're the only person who's ever used my name and pronouns without question." He leans his head against her shoulder. 

"And I wouldn't ever question it. No one can change you once you figure out who you are. I'm sorry there was so many people in your life who haven't respected you in the way of helping you confirm how you feel." 


"You're probably to drunk to understand which is...okay." Parker starts to fall asleep so Quinn helps him lay in the sleeping bag. She puts her gun in her back waistband before she lays down next to him, not bothering to get in the sleeping bag as well. She moves some hair out of Parkers face before she falls asleep, her hand carefully and gently holding Parkers. 

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