2.A Date

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On the Friday evening.

Damien finished the cold coffee he bought in the bustling cafeteria in a few gulps, savouring the bittersweet taste as it cascaded down his throat. The remnants of his caffeine fix sent a surge of energy through his veins, invigorating him for the tasks that awaited.  With a flick of his wrist, he tossed the empty cup into the awaiting trash bin, its metallic clang echoing in the empty hallway.

As he entered the teacher’s locker room, his eyes immediately fell upon the silver-haired male, who had  always seemed to exude an air of effortless charm. Today, Kailas was impeccably dressed in a pair of well-ironed pants; the hem of his white dress shirt with light blue ripped jeans, that perfectly accentuated his tall, lean frame. His crisp  shirt, with two top buttons undone, revealing just a hint of his chiseled chest, adding a touch of casual elegance to his overall appearance.  and seemed to radiate an otherworldly aura, casting an ethereal glow that heightened his allure. But it wasn’t just his attire that made him stand out, his silver hair carefully brushed back from his forehead, caught the light in the room, creating a dazzling effect that was hard to ignore. And there it was, hanging around his neck, a dollar chain that gleamed with every move he made, adding a subtle yet striking touch to his ensemble.

The silver-haired man caught sight of teal blue eyes staring momentarily. There was a flicker of arrogance and pride in his eyes as if he had noticed Damien’s lingering envy. A faint smirk played on Kailas’ lips, suggesting a hint of amusement: “What, does this brother look handsome?”

Damien snorted in response and quickly averted his gaze and went about his own business, retrieving his belongings from his locker and trying to focus on the task at hand.

“What, leaving early today?” Damien crossed his arms in front of his chest and lazily leaned against the locker, taking a look at his overall appearance as he fumbled with his hair, trying to make it look perfect just like he used to when they were dressed to impress for girls or boys in their past school days.

“Yeah, Berton, I’ve got some exciting plans for the evening,” replied Kailas with a sly grin. intentionally keeping the details vague. He always enjoyed playing with this guy. ‘If he said where he was going or who he was going to meet, would this cat be jealous?

Damien adjusted the glasses to the bridge of his nose and watched him fix the strands of silver hair in place and raised an eyebrow “Oh?” He pretended to ponder for a moment, stroking his chin with a thoughtless look and saying and shook his head in a disapproving manner, “Hmm, let’s see. Either you caught someone off guard, or you’re planning on tormenting someone with that loud mouth of yours. May the Beast-God have mercy on that unfortunate soul.”

Kailas laughed dryly, “Haha, so funny.” sticking his tongue out, puffing his chest out with pride. “I’ve got a date tonight.”

Damien’s eyes sparkled with surprise, and his playful demeanor shifted to genuine curiosity. “A date? Oh, do tell me, who’s the fortunate person?” He inquired, clearly intrigued.

Kailas theatrically bowed, embracing the playful banter. “Why, thank you, thank you,” he responded with a grin. “I must admit, I am quite the charmer. Tonight, I have the pleasure of dining with the elegant Miss Jade.”

Damien couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
Oh, no wonder he was dressed decently like a gentleman.’ he thought with a slight nod.

Wait a minute. —

Damien raised an eyebrow skeptically, “I highly doubt that you would be envious of a dinner date with Miss Jade.” A dinner date with Miss Jade does not necessarily guarantee envy or excitement, though he didn’t say that out loud.

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