Part V

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'So this is the hidden village of oni's.' I thought when we reached the village where Sen resides. Together with Shiranui and Amagiri, we wanted to see this hidden village of oni's if it really is hidden.

We have followed Sen and her maid Kimigiko to town. She had meet up with someone. A red haired girl with green eyes. It seems like the red head had company and she had to say good bye to them.

I looked at the red head's group. There was another girl with black hair and brown eyes. The other I know from her build is a girl. But what's strange is she wore a hood. Covering her from head to toe. It felt like she was hiding her appearance of sorts. Maybe she's really ugly that's why. Well who cares anyway.

I ordered Amagiri to follow Sen and the red head and search for information. Shiranui however followed the black haired one. The one left was the hooded girl. After some time, the girl seemingly got bored and stood up. She then started to walk and I followed her with distance to not be noticed. She was...interesting. I know for a fact that she is an oni. But what made me curious is her scent, it is different from any normal female oni's. Her scent was lavender with a hint of vanilla... It was calming I may say.

The girl moved from stall to stall until she reached the last one. She then retraced her steps and for a while she seems lost. The girl was lost. It was a laughing matter considering that she lives in this town. She looked around and continued to find her way while as I continued to follow her. We have reached the river bank. She walked towards where the flowers are and sat. She looked around for a moment, making sure if no one is around. She then took off her hood.

It felt like time slowed down when she took it off. Her long silver white hair flowed down reaching her ankles. Her violet eyes glowed with innocence and naivety. Her face was small and dainty. She was like a porcelain doll come to life. She was...entrancing.

It was a first for me to see a female oni with such beauty. Maybe that was the reason she had a hood on. Her silver white hair is truly eye catching as well as her violet eyes.

I made a mistake and stepped on a twig. The noise made her stand up, "Who's there?" She asked. "Show your self!" She added.

I came out behind one of the trees and looked at her.

The Demon's Respite - Kazama Chikage (Hakuouki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now