Chapter 26 - Lethal Lunacy

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Lethal Lunacy

"Once upon our time, there was no Earth. Mortals did not exist. Only demons flourished within this world." Blethinette's voice rang in the room following her pause. She inhaled and placed her hands on her lap. "It was a young world with young demons. They ran the lands, ungoverned in any way. They slaughtered each other for food and sport. During such times a demon could only trust himself.

"However, there were few who did not adopt such a life. These scarce demons that did not even know the existence of one another. They did not support the pointless bloodshed that was a regular demon's way of life. Butchering demons for food was senseless, for all demons obtain nourishment from the planet's own existence. Demon World pulses a life-stream throughout the planet. It manifests in the soil, the atmosphere, and the oxygen. Demon World's presence alone feeds demons." Again Blethinette paused and stared at Reyna. She smiled at the mortal's confused face.

"I see you are perplexed," the queen said. "Demons -all demons- acquire power from their home soil. Simply by living here, they are being fed. Did you ever notice what bestowed Mundus' power?"

Reyna, struck by the unexpected question, opened her mouth to answer but said nothing. Blethinette again smiled, waiting for her to regain her composure. Mundus crossed his arms over his chest, but said nothing. Finally, Reyna softly spoke, "Do you mean human blood?"

"No." Blethinette shook her head. "That feeds Lina. The moon," -her mismatched eyes gleamed- "the moon, our home, gives us power."

"The moon?" It was now Reyna who shook her head. "You live on the moon? Demons are little spacemen?"

Blethinette gave an airy laugh. "You do entertain, mortal. Our home is not the crater infested rock you believe it to be. Its true existence is what you have seen. Dark skies and grassy plains. The land is as endless as it appears."

"I don't understand how that is possible," Reyna whispered.

"It shall be made clear in the story I am bestowing to you," the demon queen answered.

Mundus' grunt suddenly sliced through the conversation. "With which increased haste you should account."

"Oh, patience," Blethinette said and lifted her hand to place upon Lina's head. The Spirit smiled as the queen petted her.

"She is the weapon Spirit I gave to Mundus so long ago. She calls me 'mother' because I found her and gave her a home with us," Blethinette spoke, her eyes on the happy Lina. "Such is what our story is about. The creation of humans and their home.

"For you see, one of these demons that did not wish to kill was named Furiae. She was The Mother. In time, she met another demon named Tides who would soon become The Father. He, too, was like her. They did not like the violent way of the demons. Hoping to keep each other safe, they chose to live with one another. Such companionship lead way to a new experience among demons. Love."

Blethinette stopped her tale once more along with the petting of Lina's head. She kept her eyes fixated on the ground. "Furiae gave birth," she spoke up as if her pause never occurred, "yet this child was different. There were no fierce characteristics on it. It held no fangs or claws. Its texture was weak. It was soft and aged quickly. More peculiar, its blood was the same essence as the life-stream that ran through Demon World. This mortal was said to be born from the very planet. To consume it, demons soon came to think, would enhance their strength.

"Furiae and Tides knew their child would not survive in the world of demons. After countless, exhausting years of defending their child against attacks, Furiae and Tides took it upon themselves to create another world for their child to live in, away from destructive fiends. Of course the demons did not wish to be robbed of such a delicacy. This child of the planet would not escape them. Their attacks increased; however, something else also happened.

Inner Demon: The Dark Bloods - Book I ✓Where stories live. Discover now