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He approached the debris that radiated so brightly under the sun. The burnt, twisted metal stuck out from the hard cracked clay in a way that showed they had been there for several days. Possibly more than a week.

The figure jumped into the crater and kicked one of the jutting metal pieces. It easily bent from the blow with a loud, creaky yawn. He was not interested in broken rubble.

Black eyes scanned the area until he found what he was looking for. He could See it had been wedged into one of the crater walls. The huge, wooden trunk had survived the blast thanks to the seal that had been placed around it.

He kicked the wall of dirt, each blow loosening the clay like the explosion of a small bomb, until the trunk came into view. When he reached for it, a white shield pushed his touch away. He smiled. Reaching for it again, he gripped the shield in his palm. Fingers dug through it and it shattered like glass.

He opened the crate and was greeted by several old books. He nodded. This was going to greatly help. He closed the lid and hoisted the trunk to rest on his left shoulder, curling his arm around it as a fastening.

When he emerged from the crater, a mesquite tree greeted him. The stranger walked up to it and paused. The dirt under the tree was disturbed: a makeshift grave. His eyes wavered with an unreadable emotion. He reached up to the tree and broke off a small, bare branch.

“All I have to offer as gratitude,” the lone figure said as he placed it on top of the mound before walking away.


                                                            End of Book I


Author's Note:  Sooooo...I don't know what to say. o.o

Well, I do want to say THANK YOU! Duh! You guys are awesome. Thanks so much for reading my story. Thanks for voting. Thanks for commenting. Thanks for whatever you did. You rock! xD

I do plan to post an Author's Note soon explaining the Trilogy and when to expect Book II and all that jazz. Honestly, when I started writing this story, I didn't expect it to expand into three books. As I ventured into it, I discovered there was more to everyone's story than I thought!

I will see you guys again soon. There will also be a sneak peek of Book II in the Author's Note that I'll post up later on today or tomorrow. 

Thanks again so, so much! <3

Inner Demon: The Dark Bloods - Book I ✓Where stories live. Discover now