Chapter 28 - Sting

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It seemed as if all oxygen was sucked out of the room. Reyna’s mouth dropped open, her gaze frozen on the moon demon. Gahn’s snickering could be heard from his place by the throne chair. Mundus, however, gave no reaction to what had been said.

“My body was in your possession yet you did not relinquish such information?” he instead barked at Blethinette, clearly more irritated at his mother’s secret than his own exposed one. The room pulsated with his low, angry growl.

“Dear.” She stepped towards him. Lina, eager to sooth her master, slowly hovered up to him as well.

“Master?” Her voice was small. Mundus did not acknowledge her. Though saddened by his cold shoulder, Lina took comfort in being able to stand next to him without being ordered away.

“Where does it reside?” Mundus snapped at the demon queen.

She backed away, hurt by his harsh attitude towards her. Her icy glare wavered for a bit before turning towards Auronmar. “Alright,” she said, regaining her arctic composure, “but as soon as this Ram is dead know that my demons will roam Human World again. Mundus’ body is in my Temple.”

Mundus grunted, unpleased by her words.

“I wanted to make sure your father could not obtain it, dear,” Blethinette addressed him. “You know how to access it. It shall not take long. Take Cerus, Erian, and Lina with you. And, of course, take your mortal as well.”

Blethinette smiled her last time in that room and left.

The short silence that lingered was broken by the king’s heavy sigh. “Avizpa,” he addressed the wasp demon from before. “Return them their weapons.”

Though surprised at the order, the demon did not voice it as it went through with its orders which included freeing Flow. The pup stepped out of his cage and immediately went to stand next to Cerus. The guards then left, leaving the tranquil Cerus and Erian standing alone. The only sound that could be heard was the clanking of Mundus’ sheathed sword as he tied it to his belt. Everyone in the room was still and waiting.

“Why do you linger, Mundus?” Auronmar said, his voice strained.

Mundus gazed at his father. “You will not release this nuisance to pursue us?” He glanced at Gahn. He stood smirking by Auronmar’s side, confident in his skill to be able to take on any of the three demons in the room.

“With such a cute human with ya, maybe I will,” Gahn provoked. Mundus responded with a snarl.

“No,” Auronmar said, “he will not follow you.”

Gahn’s loyalty to his king along with Auronmar’s own sincerity and honor was enough to provide Mundus with peace of mind. He took his leave; Lina quickly followed. Erian, Cerus, and Flow took pursuit after her. Reyna gave Auronmar a hesitant glance before parting as well.

Upon their exit, they were met by darkness. It blinded them all: demons, human, and Spirits. It quickly left, though, and they were spit out by the castle walls the same way as the fiends they fought not so long ago had.

As soon as the last one set foot outside, Auronmar’s fortress began to disperse, as if being erased from existence. The Magika that had kept it hidden was veiling it once more as an invisible and impenetrable structure. To heighten its camouflage, the Magika also constantly changed its location, especially when it has been brought out of its concealed cove. Even if one were to accidently stumble upon it, said individual would simply pass through it and not be the wiser of its existence.

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