Chapter 4

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Natty fell asleep for a while. Everything seemed great after they crossed the border from California to the Pacific. Fin knew where to go after Natty pip-slapped him while shoving the map in his face. It's not that she trusted him to fly a plane, but it was that she had no choice but to trust him. She didn't know how to fly one.

Natty lurched forward and hit her head pm the controls desk and her eyes popped open as she yelled in pain.

"Sorry. Turbulence." Fin said with a devious smirk.

Natty sat up and rubber her head and glared at him. "Thanks for the warning." She said sarcastically.

"Anytime Jonesy."

Natty rolled her eyes and picked her glasses up off of her lap. Lucky her. Her glasses didn't smack against the desk. Just her forehead.

Natty rubbed her head and fixed the hat carefully.

"Erm... Jonesy?"

Natty rubbed her head and looked down. "What do you want now?"

"Erm... well... what is that?"

Natty looked up and rubbed her eyes and blinked at the object in front of them. Was it just her or was it comping closer. Natty cleaned her glasses off and put them back on and blinked.

A plane.

A plane coming right at them.




Fin yanked on the yoke. The plane shot upwards and Natty squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to watch herself die.

"HAHAHA! YES! TAKE THAT YOU SLIMY GIT!" Fin yelled laughing.

Natty opened her eyes and looked back to see a clear skyway.

Fin screamed.

Natty looked up as a torpedo came at them and hit the right wing. Fin yanked on the yoke but nothing happened as alarms went off. The plane shot downwards quickly as everything in the plane lifted up.

Natty put a hand on her hat keeping it on her head and grabbed the letter from her grandfather and placed it in her pocket. Fin yelled and grabbed the parachute from under his seat and put it on. Natty did rye same as the two somehow managed to make there was to a hole in the plane. Natty shoved Fin to the side and jumped. She held on to her hat and zoomed down for a few minutes before pulling the string for the parachute. The chute released and Natty hung a good few hundred feet above the ocean. To Natty's displeasure Fin came down and did his chute as well, and hung in front of her. Natty rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

"What do you want?!"

"What do I want?! I want to go home! I want to go home and take a hot bath! I want to go lay on the sofa at home! I want to eat some biscuits!" Fin complained. "That is want I want! To be anywhere but HERE WITH YOU!"

"Well at least we agree on that!" Natty snapped.



The two glared at each other for a while before a small gust of wind spun them around facing back to back.

"I hope you know your the reason why we are drifting in the middle of the Pacific." Natty said folding her arms.


"You could've missed it!"

"Blah blah blah! I'm Natty Jones and I hate everything!" Fin mocked, making his hands like mouths


"Yes you do!"



A loud explosion sounded below the two and they looked down. A large boat was waiting and following where they went. Natty stared for a good while before hanging her head down. This was just great. It looked like the ship shot some sort of bomb under the water, as some water hit her feet. Natty swore under her breath as the chutes started to go down more, and the wind spinning her around.

"Wut's wrong?"

"We're being followed."

"WUT?!" Fin squeaked.

Natty rolled her eyes as the chutes continued to go down, but this time more speed by the second. The two hit the water and took the parachutes off before the large boat came to them. A loud over head speaker sounded and said, "Come onto our ship, or die."

"What if we say no?" Fin asked under his breath.

"Then we'll be dead." Natty snapped with a harsh whisper.

Fin nodded as the two swam to the boat.

Indiana Jones and the Lost Kingdom of Kush// Book 1Where stories live. Discover now