Baby shark do do do

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The Love story of Tinn and Gun was the most adored in Nyomsil Highschool. As years turned into memories, they completed their university education, with Tinn gracefully donning the title of a compassionate and accomplished doctor, and Gun's music carrying his fame far and wide, touching countless souls with his melodies.

Tinn and Gun were now happily engaged and they held a private and intimate ceremony, where they tied the knot with their closest family and cherished high school friends present. Amongst the select few were Gun's loving mom and Tinn's supportive parents, who embraced the union of their children with hearts full of joy and blessings.

Three harmonious years passed, and Tinn and Gun's love only grew stronger, nourished by shared passions and mutual understanding. As they found harmony in each other's presence, the time had come to expand their family and share their love with another soul.

They knew adoption was the perfect path for them. After a thorough process, they were ecstatic when they were approved to become parents and were matched with a 6-month-old baby boy whom they named Nat.

The day they brought Nat home was one of the happiest moments of their lives. Tinn took a week off work to care for the little one, and Gun captured every precious moment on camera. They showered Nat with love and care, cherishing every second of being new parents.

As Gun fed Nat, Tinn entertained him with silly faces and noises, trying to elicit a smile from the baby. "Come on, Nat, give us a smile!" Tinn said, wiggling his fingers in front of Nat's face. Gun chuckled, unable to resist the joyous display, "You're such a dork," he teased.

"But it's working! Look, he's smiling," Tinn replied as Nat let out a little giggle. Throughout the day, they all cuddled on the couch, enjoying the warmth of their family bond. As evening approached, Gun became emotional, reflecting on their newfound parenthood.

"I can't believe we're parents," Gun said, tears welling up in his eyes.

Tinn pulled him close, showering him with affection. "Aw, my dear, don't cry," Tinn comforted, "I feel the same way. I never thought I could love someone this much."

As they cuddled, Nat booped Tinn's nose, making Gun laugh. "Looks like he's taking after you," Gun remarked with a grin. Tinn smiled, feeling overwhelmed with emotion, "I can't wait to see him grow up and become his own person," he said, looking down at Nat, who had fallen asleep in his arms.

Four years later, they showed Nat the video they recorded on the day they brought him home. Nat giggled while watching his parents act silly on the screen. "Papa, why were you crying?" he asked, looking up at Gun.

"Because I was so happy to be your dad," Gun replied, pulling Nat into a hug.

"And I was happy to be your daddy," Tinn said, ruffling Nat's hair.

Nat hugged them both tightly and then went to play with his favorite toy while Tinn and Gun cuddled on the couch. "Do you remember when we first adopted Nat?" Tinn asked, glancing down at their son.

"Of course I do," Gun replied, smiling at the memory, "He was so tiny and helpless. I was so scared I was going to break him."

Tinn chuckled, "I remember you kept hovering over me while I was holding him, as if I didn't know how to handle a baby."

"Well, excuse me for wanting to make sure our son was safe," Gun retorted playfully, poking Tinn in the side.

Nat looked up from his toys, giggling, and waddled over to crawl into Tinn's lap. "Daddy, play with me!" he demanded, holding up his favorite toy.

"Okay, okay, let me just finish telling your Papa how I saved your life," Tinn joked, winking at Gun.

Gun rolled his eyes, "Oh, here we go again."

"You know it's true," Tinn said, holding Nat's toy up to his face, "So, Nat was crying and crying, and I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I checked his diaper, I tried to burp him, but nothing was working."

Nat looked up at Tinn with wide eyes, listening intently.

"So then, I had this stroke of genius," Tinn continued dramatically, "I decided to sing him a lullaby!"

Gun snorted, "And what song did you choose?"

"Baby Shark, of course!" Tinn exclaimed, causing Nat to burst into laughter.

"Oh my god," Gun groaned, burying his face in his hands. "I'm telling you, it worked like a charm!" Tinn said, grinning at Nat. "And now, whenever he hears that song, he lights up like a Christmas tree."

Gun chuckled as he remembered their first no "outing" at the Aquarium. Tinn with his cheesy pickup lines had made his cheeks flush. Gun teased him, "Ofcourse, he gets it from the one who likes to bite me." Tinn playfully rubbed Gun's nose," And you love the one who bites you."

Nat hugged Tinn tightly. "I love you, Daddy!" he said, giggling.

"I love you too, my little shark," Tinn replied, kissing Nat's forehead.

Gun smiled at the sight, feeling his heart swell with love for his family. "You know, we're really lucky," he said quietly. "To have each other, and to have Nat."

"We really are," Tinn agreed, wrapping an arm around Gun's shoulders, "And we'll always be here for each other, no matter what." Nat crawled over to join the group hug, grinning from ear to ear. "I love you both so much!" he exclaimed, snuggling into their arms.

"And we love you too, little man," Gun said, kissing Nat's cheek, "Forever and always."

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