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Note: this will prolly be short and shit but long chapters 😋! Also another note this goes kinda heavy with the sad shit so uh yeah... Take that as you will anyways starting


It was only a few days after the the Dark Flour War had ended. Kingdoms and villages being rebuilt. Golden Cheese and Hollyberry Cookie taking their time to help out the injured and loss of cookies. Not Dark Cacao though, he was focused on his dear friend, Pure Vanilla. He was always kind to everyone so, why did he have to leave? Dark Cacao thought to himself day and night, a part of him said that he went missing and will be found soon in a village, another said he was dead. He listened to the more brighter more as he didn't want Pure Vanilla Cookie to be actually dead. He couldn't cry about it but, god did he want to, all he did all day was send troops to find him in any sort of village, no hope. Eventually he did one last search and they found a piece of cloth.


"Your majesty we have found something." The guard said as Dark Cacao looked at the cloth. "We think it might be his." He said, Dark Cacao then returning his hope that he might be alive. But where? Possibly getting help? But he could heal, maybe to help other cookie? That could be a possibility. None the less though, he gave the troops a well deserved break and sent some high profiled cookies to try to find him at least. None were successful even after weeks of looking. Two months later Dark Cacao received a letter from Golden Cheese saying that she had news about Pure Vanilla. Dark Cacao thought she found him so he made the fastest route there and left, it was the first time in months that Dark Cacao opened the doors. Even if it was for a bit. Once he got there Golden Cheese handed him something.

"I sent some guards to see if they could find some cookies who were in desperate need of help in smaller villages, they found another piece of cloth even if it was in the dirt a little bit. I'm sorry if you thought I had found him. I wish he was still around to." She said in a calm tone but Dark Cacao wasn't taking it well. "Don't ever speak to me again. You or Hollyberry. I'm leaving." "What why!? I didn't even say anything but I just think you should accept that he's dead Dark Cacao! Even Hollyberry didn't want to face that but she did!" "ENOUGH. STOP TALKING HE'S ALIVE. HE'S JUST MISSING. HE'S NOT DEAD SOMEWHERE GOLDEN CHEESE. IF ANYTHING HE PROBABLY DOESN'T KNOW A WAY TO TO COME BACK. SO JUST SHUT UP ABOUT THIS DEAD NONSENSE WILL YOU!?" he finally spoke in a high tone after those months, you could see his face. Empty. But it was filled with rage. Golden Cheese Cookie stayed quiet. You could almost see tears forming. "I've accepted it and you should too.." She said in a distorted tone as Dark Cacao walked away he didn't want to face the truth. Even if it meant he could move on. He didn't.


A year had passed, since then the three cookies never talked to each other. Dark Cacao closing his doors, becoming cold. The cookies in his kingdom felt that he was grieving still. Even the most slightest mention of Pure Vanilla, he would break and either scream at them or threaten to hurt them. None dared to speak a work about the cookie. Though some did, some thought that the two had a special connection, more than friends they thought. Others though said that all three of them cared deeply about one another, even mentioning the times of them. Five of them. Being together, happy and joyful, a lot knew that they relied on each other and were kind to every cookie. But ever since the war Golden Cheese and Hollyberry accepted he was gone but not Dark Cacao, he just wanted a sign that Pure Vanilla could be alive. Dark Cacao had heavy bags under his eyes. Nobody dared to speak to him as they were afraid of slipping up and mentioning Pure Vanilla. Of course though, after a year Dark Cacao heard a rumor thag Hollyberry left the kingdom without anyone knowing. Not much wad head about Golden Cheese but it was safe to say all of them were handling something different after the war. Two years now. Dark Cacao made his defenses even better than before, Hollyberry still missing, and Golden Cheese keeping quiet. Dark Cacao just wanted to see Pure Vanilla again, to see his smile, his laugh, his eyes. His eyes are the most prettiest thing about him, Dark Cacao thought to himself trying to be less sad about it. He couldn't accept it still even after two years. Pure Vanilla wad all he needed in his life to be happy but now it was gone. What would he do?

It was only a matter of time before all he could do was lay in his bed and think of them all together and happy. But most were memories of Pure Vanilla be close to him. Dark Cacao. Being happy, his mind always making him dead in the end instead of Pure Vanilla, he wanted to protect PV not the other way around. His mind just kept thinking of scenarios, of them happy. Till he realized he wanted to be more than friends with PV as he started to imagine both of them sharing a bed, getting married, holding hands, etc. His happiness soon became sadness as he realized that PV was missing he just couldn't accept it, he was in denial for so long and he hasn't spoken a word since then.

It's almost as if he was angry, angry that he couldn't save PV. Maybe that's why he built more defense's to make sure no one else could get hurt if PV came back them, the defense's would be for his safety. Then something hit him. A wave of anger. He didn't do anything about it since he already knew that he was feared, even if that was a "good" thing he still wanted his people to believe he still had a heart. So he stayed inside of room more and more, only receiving requests and accepting them. His thoughts were nothing, maybe PV sometimes but nothing. Nothing ever anymore.

Grief. || Pure Vanilla X Dark Cacao FanficWhere stories live. Discover now