Chapter Two: A New Life

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As she finally reaches the other side of the dimensional gate, she is thrown out into the air about thirty feet up. She falls in the middle of an unsuspecting class of high school kids.

"AHH!" Screams a terrified pink girl.

"She's unconscious." Announces a boy with squarish glasses. "Midoriya, take her to recovery girl."

"On it." The green haired boy replied.

"Ugh, my head." She said feeling for where the pain was. She looks around, surprised to see that she isn't in her bedroom anymore. "Where am I?"

"Myoru! You're awake!" Said an exited yellow haired boy.

"How do you know about that name?" She asks in confusion. She had only written this name down in her journal. She had created a My Hero Academia character for herself, but she didn't show anyone else. So how does he know it? She thought to herself.

"What? You told us your name a long time ago."

"No I-" she suddenly realized who this boy was. "Denki?? How are you- Wait. Ha, I must be dreaming." She tried her breathing exercise, but it didn't work. "What? That should have worked! Unless..."

"Myoru, are you okay?" Asked the concerned boy with glasses. "You may have amnesia."

"No I don't think so. I know everything about every one of you. But... you guys aren't real." The room grew silent in shock of what they had just heard. "What?" Asked Kirishima, breaking the silence.

"Give me your arm." She insisted. He held out his arm. She expected for her hand to go through it or maybe something else, but she reached out and grabbed it. "This is so weird. Am I in some sort of hallucination?" She asked, panick filling her voice. "Hey, hey, it's alright. Maybe we just need to show you around." Izuku suggested. She got out of bed and followed them around as they showed her the UA campus. She recognized the class rooms and a few others, but she still did not understand why she was there. "I don't see the point of this. I'm not from here."

"Lets go to the dorms. Seeing yours might help." Suggested Ochaco.

"But I don't have one." Myoru told her.

"Just wait."

They arrive at the dormitory, where they show Myoru to her dorm. She didn't expect what she saw. A room decorated with the things she liked. "How is this..." Her voice trailed off.

"We never understood what Hamilton was. But we realized that you're American and watched it for ourselves, and well let's just say that we all joined the fandom!" Says Tsuyu.

"That's really great, but I think i need to be alone for a bit."

"Understood. Hurry out everyone, give her some space." Iida commands while doing chopping motions with is arms. They leave Myoru alone in her room to think about how she got here. "What happened? Ok, I got home, fixed my backpack, ate, watched MHA, I checked the time..." The portal! "But how did a portal get into my room...?" Her thoughts were interrupted when the door suddenly opened.

"Hey, Myoru?" It was Ochaco. "We were all gonna go to the pool, wanna come?"

"Uh sure, let me get ready."

"Ok. We'll meet in the living room and head down there together."

"Heaven waits on the other side of these doors!" Mineta drools as he and Kaminari open the doors to the pool. "Aw what are you guys doing here?" Kaminari asks in disappointment.

"Well, you guys said we were doing endurance training, so I invited the others!" Explains Midoriya.

"Aw man..."

"Lighten up! We can still see the sight of girls, in bikinis!" Mineta and Kaminari turn around to find all of the girls stretching in training suits.

"Oh, hi guys! We didn't know you were gonna be here! Ribbit." Asui greets them.

"Aw man, not one bikini!" Whines Mineta.

"Dude, stop." Sero tells him.

"All right, let's get started, shall we? No time to waste!" Iida commands as he drags the two towards the group.

The boys train while the girls are playing volleyball. "How come they get to play around"? Complains Kaminari.

Myoru watches the other girls splash around in the water from the side. "Heyy girl! Come play! You can be on our team." Mina asks excitedly.

"Uh, no thanks. I'm not good at that game."

"Come onn, we can teach you!" She insists.

"Fine." She jumps into the water and joins the others. After about ten minutes, they see that the boys are racing. They want to join in some way, so they ask if they can help with it. Right before the final race began, Mr. Aizawa comes out and stops it. "It's five o, clock. Time for you to leave." He explains.

"But it was just getting good!" Kaminari protested.

"Are you questioning me?"

"Nope! Not at all, Sir!"

They exit the pool area, disappointed that they had to leave.

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