Chapter Sixteen: Who Are You?

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"Mr. Aizawa! We were just coming to find you." Iida told him straightening his posture.

"We were all at the mall." Myoru said taking a step back.

"All of you?" He asked doubtfully, gesturing behind them.

Iida and Myoru turned around to find an empty space. The others had run to their dorms to hide from Aizawa.

"Looks like they left us here, not very responsible of them." Iida said pushing his glasses up his face.

"More like not at all. I tried to tell them it's not manly to leave you here." Said Kirishima seemingly appearing beside Myoru. She stumbled back in surprise and fell into Iida.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry..." She apologized quickly, which is something she would never do. They all stared at her in surprise and confusion.

"What, why are you all looking at me like that?"  She asked.

"Are you okay Myoru? You'd never apologize for something like bumping into someone." Kirishima said uncomfortably, he knew something was up, and so did Aizawa and Iida.

"Uh! Yea just little shaken up." She responded quickly, putting her hands up in defense. "Let us tell Eraserhead what happened, and I'll get some rest. I'll be back to normal in no time."

"Okay..." Kirishima was suspicious, but he left the room to go to meet up with the others. It was just the other three left in the room.

"So do you want to explain to me what's going on?" Aizawa asked crossing his arms.

"Yes, come sit down, we'll explain everything." Iida said leading them to the middle of the room.

Iida and Myoru took turns explaining what happened at the mall.

"And you don't think that he was just trying to prank you?" Aizawa wasn't convinced, even after they explained everything in precise detail.

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"Ugh, where am I?" Myoru groaned rubbing her head. She felt something running down her face. "Blood?" She thought looking at her hand covered in a dark red substance.

"Oh! Thank goodness, you're awake!" Said a woman helping her up. "I thought you were dead!"

"What? What happened?" Myoru asked trying to find her balance.

"You were on the ground when I came in... oh! You're still bleeding! Here let me-"

"Wait wait," Myoru got a good look of where she was. "I'm still in the bathroom... You can go, and pretend that you didn't see anything, okay?" Myoru asked.

"Are you sure? It looks like a lot of blood-" The woman wanted to help, but Myoru didn't want anyone else to get involved.

"Yes, I'll be fine, I don't want to cause any trouble on you." Myoru walked over to the mirror to check the cut in her head, which had actually stopped bleeding.

The woman left the room, cautiously to make sure no one saw.

"What could've happened?" She thought out loud. She made sure that there was no blood left on the floor or any noticeable on her clothes before heading out of the mall. She needed to get back to the dorms as quickly as possible.

Thankfully it wasn't too long of a run, but she didn't want to get there too late, she didn't know why Sero would leave her there. She used her water quirk to help her glide across the ground. It only took a little longer than 15 minutes, about the same as a drive in an uber.

She finally arrived at the dorm building and burst through though the double doors, out of breath from running so fast. The three looked over at her. The Myoru that was already there stood up and pointed at the Myoru who had just burst in.

"W-who is that?" Her voice was shaky.

Aizawa tightly wrapped his scarf around the Myoru who just showed up.

"Who are you and why are you here?" He asked. His eyes glowed red and his hair stood up.

"Woah, calm down! It's just me." She said. For some reason she was surprised at his reaction speed.

"So, Kaminari lunged at me after saying something about "getting me" or something, so I ran to the front of the game store. I ran past Sero and grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the bathroom. I told him what was going on, and we were about to walk out but..." She stopped to think about what happened but found that she had no memory of what happened next.

"But what?" Aizawa tightened the scarf.

She winced slightly. "First, ow. Second, I don't know what happened next, but I did wake up in a pool of blood with a headache..." She said locking eyes with the other Myoru. She hadn't even noticed that there was another her in the room, she only had enough time after bursting through the door to see Iida's reaction.

Just then, a flash of light came through the windows. Without letting Myoru go, he walked to the window where the light came the brightest and looked out.

"Iida, take this Myoru to your dorm and make sure she stays there." Aizawa told Iida gesturing to the Myoru wrapped in his scarf. "Myoru, go to your dorm." He was referring to the one that wasn't wrapped in his scarf.

She hesitated before responding to his command. "Oh me? Yea okay..."

Iida raised an eyebrow to her hesitation as she got up and walked to the hallway. She was looking at the names on the side of the door closely, stopping at each on to read it, as if she hadn't had them memorized, which said she did.

"Do you need help, Myoru?" Iida asked, noticing that she looked lost walking down the hallway.

"Uh, no, just trying to memorize who's dorms these are." She said quickly and continued walking down the hallway.

Iida's eyes went wide in shock. "You told me that you memorized them months ago. And you have one of the best memories in class."

"Uh... I do know, just making sure." Myoru was obviously not acting like herself.

"Name the dorms in order on the second floor." Aizawa was listening to the whole conversation and knew something was wrong about the Myoru they thought they trusted.

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