19. Night-time threats

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Mazanin looks at the angel he's been following the entire night, standing calmly behind the corner of a large, fourteen story building. The angel is crouching over a homeless dog, treating its bad leg with her powers.

The shadows of the night cover him in darkness and shield him from the angel's line of vision. It's cold and a little rainy, as dark clouds cover the night sky and are joined by the smoke and the fog of the city. The angel looks clueless. She can't see him, she can't hear him. He's too experienced for those kinds of mistakes. It's been four hours and the sun is about to rise, but this angel is running in circles, having nobody to ask and nowhere to go.

Mazanin has taken a keen interest in observing her.

Not because she's particularly interesting, but because she has given him ideas. Just four hours ago, he still had no idea what to do with Hela's and Hecate's new angel manager, but thanks to this angel, he now does. Her headless running all around the large city has made it clear to him. And although it was funny to watch her scold drunk people for getting themselves in danger or yelling at her, and although he almost laughed when she got chased by the police for not showing them any identification, Mazanin is still here to do his job, not just to observe.

If this angel is looking for the GLITZ-X company building, then Mazanin would naturally assume that she is either here for a mission, or here to help Tangie. Either way, that manager Tangie would know her and care about her. This angel is Tangie's liability. (Other than her other obvious liability: the fact that she is weak and powerless). Mazanin doesn't want to reveal Tangie to Hecate or Hela yet. But he does want to keep her in control.

He's decided on that.

And now, he's going to act on it, too.

"You could've gotten them a bigger snack-truck, Mary. The staff is really overworked here." Hecate mumbles out, the script of the movie that she is filming laying right over her head. She is sitting on the couch with her head leaned back, the paper on her face as her eyes are closed. A fan on the table blows cold wind onto her body, and ruffles the pages of the script gently into the air. There is another fan up on the ceiling, weakly spinning around. A yellow ceiling light flickers above them. Hecate is seconds away from changing her dressing room to another one.

"I don't care about staff. I got it for my socials. The whole truck has to fit into the picture, but I still need to be seen in it." Hela answers her, her mouth full of two-day-old butter popcorn that she found in Hecate's dressing room cupboard. She grabs another handful and leans back in Hecate's leather couch that she bought specifically for this dressing room, for this set. "A bigger truck wouldn't work."

"I'm not saying that you should've gotten them that truck, I'm saying that you could've. There is a big difference." Hecate sighs.

It's been a few hours since they arrived at set, just to film some scenes where Hecate is barely seen. Her co-star is in focus today, so there isn't really much for Hecate to do. After three hours of filming and one hour of introducing Hela to everyone, she's finally cooling off in her dressing room with said demon. It is tradition for them to show up at least once to each other's movie sets, with some kind of gift for the staff. Whether that'd be a snack truck or something fancier, like concert tickets or game tickets, Hecate only cares as long as it gets done. Today, it was Hela's turn. Tangie is of course with them, too.

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