41. Clone of herself

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Tangie breathes in.

It's like she's standing in a black void, empty of everything. Whenever she closes her eyes, that's what she sees. This restricting, black void. And it's been like that for months. She's felt like the black void is going to eat her up, like it's tearing her down. No matter how much she's learned, the black void inside her has always weighed her down.

Now, she sees a spark in the black void. It floats around her, so bright she has to shield herself from it. It looks ominous. The kind of thing that is small and cute at first, and then- is suddenly joined by a million more, making it less cute. Just like she predicted, another spark shows up. And then another, and another, all around her. They appear at a faster rate, more and more until the entire black void suddenly feels stuffed and hard to breathe in.

As heavy as the void had felt, opening the gate to her power is suddenly so much more overwhelming than she had expected. After a break of a few months, the power of a golden might angel is almost too much to handle. Tangie had forgotten what it felt like. She is powerful, again. Almighty, again. Undefeated, again. And most importantly, responsible. No longer the weak victim. She is actually responsible for what will happen next.

The hesitance that she felt before is overpowered by the sense of duty that comes with having such high power. Tangie finally realises why she suddenly became so sinful and rebellious without her powers. Her powers are binding, weighing her down to her duty more effectively than any chains could. It's a mixture of guilt and responsibility for having the ability to kill almost any living being in the three realms, combined with the education and work that she has done over the years that creates a world of responsibility.

She has a mission to complete.

Tangie looks up at Mazanin, who has bowed, a cold expression on his face. "I apologise for what those lower ranking demons did, when they took your powers away." He looks back up, not phased at all by the sudden strong aura coming from the angel in front of him. Despite sounding cold, his apology seems surprisingly genuine. "If they hadn't messed with fate like that, none of us would've been in this situation."

He sighs. "Go do what you have to. I'm done getting involved."

With that, Mazanin turns around and starts walking away, the syringe that he used to give Tangie a second dose with still laying in the palm of his hand. Tangie stares at the back of his head. Although she is incredibly surprised, her expression is monotonous from the blinding weight of her power. She feels like a machine again. A cold shell of a person. And after feeling so many different emotions in a span of a few weeks, feeling nothing again is kind of refreshing.

Hael doesn't look surprised, which means that she knew this was going to happen. Tangie thinks back to their conversation in the taxi. Hael constantly told her to trust her. This is probably what she meant. Instead of looking surprised, Hael is worried. She turns to face Tangie. "If you're going to their apartment, I'm coming with-"

"This is my mission, Hael." Tangie cuts her off, using a tone of authority. "Whatever happens, I need to face them alone."

Hael looks a little hurt by the tone, but Tangie knew that it was necessary to say what she said. Besides, she feels strong. Incredibly strong. Like Hecate and Hela are nothing but bugs beneath her sword. (Even though she logically knows that they most certainly are not.) Whatever feelings she has for them are numbed down and pressed to the back of her mind, her power taking up most of the space in her head.

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