wish she was here

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I often think about her but the most on this day, bestfriends day and how could I not? She was the only person I ever felt the heartly connection with.

10 years ago

"Anya! Look what I found!"
"It's a Seashell!"
Anya exclaimed running towards me. We loved going to beach during summers with our families.
"You can have it."
"Are you sure?"
"Don't tell my mum I said this but, Damn Sure!"
She was my my bestfriend, I loved how we connected. We were together since we were in kindergarten. We used to plan everything together, proms, sleepovers. Our friends used to call us "party planners".
It was my dream to be a wedding planner, our dream, to open our firm and continue our passion. I loved how everything was going we selected dorms, were going the same college.
Until her brother happened. I don't know why, I never liked him. Don't worry the feelings were perfectly mutual. He tricked his mother into thinking I was some kind of bad influence on Anya. Placed me in front of his mother in such way, she slowly started to hate me and it took only a snap of buttons from a Bennet like her to completely make Anya disappear from my life.
They went to France.
She was oceans away from me.
She wasn't my sister by blood but the ache in my heart said otherwise.

Anya and I still managed to talk secretly, updates and everything about her life in France but
gradually she became so involved with her friends there, it felt like there wasn't any place for me. I was fading.

Days turned to weeks turned to months and I was no more.

It felt like she didn't even feel I was no more and at a certain point only her Instagram stories told me about her life until I unfollowed her for good.
She was happier without me.
What had I ever wanted apart from her happiness?

In all I did conclude,

She was my bestfriend when she was there, she was my best-friend when I wasn't there, and she is still my bestfriend even though she isn't there.

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