Chapter 1

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Beth's pov

"I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or look,or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun." said Mr.Darcy.
as I kept the book down.
I loved this book. My mother loved this book,hence my name.
I would be lying if I said I didn't wish for a Mr.Darcy.
Hoping one day I would find one, I a continued cleaning the classics shelf of the Enchanté, Aunt Mary's book shop.
I used to work here part time because I needed money for establishing "I do", my wedding planning firm. She used to give me a generous amount of money beacuse she had no living blood relative except me after her son's death 2 years back. These days I was the one managing the shop since she was diagnosed with Cancer half a year ago. I had hired a caretaker for her but still checked on her everyday after leaving the shop. We had tried chemotherapy but doctor had answered us. It would break me beyond repair seeing her drift day by day.

Enchanté was her dream which she made true.She had already written it to me on her will which I got to know about last month, and I wanted her dream to last forever.


It had been a busy day and we were working till 7. My  ex- roommate Lucy had just moved in together with her boyfriend and the housewarming was tonight. I was heading out when I heard footsteps, I had already told Katy,my helper, to flip the open sign, so who was this?
I moved a bit forward to get a clear look when I saw a person busy on their phone talking to someone move toward the cash counter.
I was about to tell him we were closed for the day when he moved to the classics section.
I flipped the door sign which I guess Katy forgot so that no one could take one more minute of mine and approached the man.
Dark brown hair running messy till his earlobes, an athletic build,he was wearing a beige sweat shirt and black sweat pants with a black cap on with NYC symbol.

"How can I help you sir?", I said only his back visible to me.
He turned at my question and those grey eyes he had, reminded of storm which never seemed to end in my life.

"Bye babe I am at a book store to restock my shelf, love you." he said nodding towards me and ending his call.

"I see you were about to close, so sorry I am taking your time but I know what I want so we can make it quick."

"Sure.That's so considerate of you. Beth."

"Dylan. I want two copies of The Ugly Saint and one copy of A Tale of Two Cities."

"Sure." I smiled and took those books, scanned them and handed over the bill to him.
"Thank you for service."
"Thank you for visiting us."
And he disappeared in fraction of minutes I finally closed the shop and was heading towards the wine shop to gift Lucy and her boyfriend Brad. When a certain pair of grey eyes still lingered in my mind even though it wasn't around me. I was snapped out of my thoughts when it started to rain.
I rushed towards the nearest shed of the wine shop when I found Dylan beside me again . He was covering his head from his backpack when our eyes locked.

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