11,i love you

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He says sorry and walks away .At that point I was done . I was done acting like I was okay when really I was dying inside . I start walking to the nearest toilet as fast as possible hoping no one would realised I walked off.

"yo imani where are you going " I hear Marcus say behind me making me fasten my paste

I continue walking not wanting for him to see me but he pulls my arm turning me round and looks at me before looking at my wrist he has been gripping on .

He lets go .

"What happen did I do something to upset you,if this is about me not letting you be with jadon then we can talk about it and I can consider it I never knew you were serious I-"he attempts to continue but I cut him off

"your always talking about jadon ,not everything is about him  " I respond bitterly

"Your movin mad are you on your period or summin" he says chuckling

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you boys just because I am angry doesn't mean I am on my period " I say laughing slightly at these men putting my hand through my head

"Aight calm yourself and wherever you are going js don't get lost and be back soon , actually lemme send Jesse to you to make sure you don't get lost and-" he starts speaking but I cut him off

"Marcus I am not ten I am  an adult and sending Jess to go with me won't do nothing he would literally get me lost " I say

"Too bad I am already here " i Hear Jesse say while I sigh in frustration

Jesse puts his arm over me pressing a kiss to my cheek making me push him away from me .

"Ew man move" I say

We start walking in silence before Jesse speaks up

"So I heard you met my guy Jude " he says

"Oh yeah until jadon had to ruin everything " I mumble the last bit

"I swear you and jadon had a thing going on " he says but I stay silent as I knew if I were to say something he would go tell Marcus and there would be tension between them and I don't want that to happen because of me

"NA HE CHEATED DIDNT HE" Jesse stays screaming

"We weren't even together it wouldn't matter if he did " I say

"Yeah but you guys were talking and taking thing slow"

"But anyways he didn't cheat "

"So your saying everything is okay between you and Jadon"

"Yeah " I say confidently

Jesse gets his phone out and dials a number waiting for the person to pick up

"Who are you calling "

"Jadon to ask if you u guys are cool since you are so confident  " he exclaims 

"Okay okay we had a mini argument and he ended things and his trying to get back with me" i let out

Jesse ends the call and gives me a hug

"What was that for ?" I say laughing

"Thats a lot of shi your going through and you kept it to yourself " he says smiling

"Although I would've preferred for you to tell me it's alright" he adds on chuckling

"Na you would've snitched to Marcus "

"I only tell Marcus that kind of stuff cause I care about you imani "

"You see look what happen to amara-"

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