12,i didnt ask for money

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I am now sitting on the plane since Marcus refused for me to be able to go home so now I am stuck on holiday for the next few months great .

Marcus is still pissed at me after he found me and jadon making out. To be fare I couldn't care less since he had kissed my best friend.

Kyria is still trying to speak to me she seems really upset about the whole situation making me kind of feel bad but then I realise she had just kissed my brother .

I know I can't be angry at them both because I did the same but it still kinda hurts they did this behind my back .

Jesse hasn't spoken to me so I am pretty sure he's just trying to enjoy his holiday and get out of all of this I don't even know if he actually cares about the fact I am still pissed at him but it's whatever .

I just want to go home and avoid everyone but of course I can't do that here since literally everyone is living on the same floor meaning I would bump into someone .

While I am looking out the window I feel someone sitting down next to me making me look behind me and to my supprise it was jadon .

"Are you okay mama " he says looking at me

"Mhm" I respond

"are you and marcus good ?" He asks

"No and it will stay like that " I exclaim

"Listen I care about you a lot and don't want you and Marcus relationship to be ruined because of me trust I would try speak to him but him and Jess are avoiding me " he says mumbling the last bit

"You don't have to do anything for me and Marcus we will sort it out on our own dont worry about it " I say smiling kissing his cheek earning a smile from him

Jesse walks past me and jadon looks at us and kisses his teeth before walking away

"Stop dragging it and fuck off jesse "I respond making him look at me weird before walking away

"I'm going to go back to my seat before Marcus gets even more pissed at me love you though " jadon says hugging me and walking away

Just as jadon leaves kyria sits down making me groan in annoyance

"Go away I don't want to see you " I say

"I am so sorry for what I did to you , I love you so much your my best friend and trust me I value out friendship so much i have even been convincing Marcus and Jess to forgive you and jadon but you have got to trust me on this one I didn't tell Marcus about you and jadon I didn't even know he knew until he said it to you , I miss my best friend so much "

I look at her before bringing her in for a hug

"I missed you too" I say

Kyria wipes her eyes before speaking again "enough of this sad shit tell me about you and sanch " she whispers the last bit

I laugh and respond " I will tell you when we land I'm not trying to get Marcus even more angry at me

"alright love"

"So yeah that happens and he also said he loved me " I say blushing at the last part

"HE SAID WHATTT" kyria screams jumping around

"Yeah but I don't know if it was a kind of friendship love or-" I start being cut of by kyria

"Stop overthinking it and accept the fact he loves you " she laughs

"SHUT THE FUCK UP ITS LITTERLY 1am GO TO BED" Marcus shouts coming into our room

We both laugh getting into our bed while kyria apologises to Marcus

It's currently our second day on holiday and everything has been going well except for the fact I am still not talkin to Jesse or Marcus and the rest of the team are avoiding me except Bukayo and jadon.

I bet Jesse just had to go run his mouth to since he doesn't know how to keep it shut. I valued Jesse a lot and we probably will become on good terms again I won't be able to trust him with anything and I don't think we will be as close as we were before .

I wake up to the sun shining on my face I get up and go into the shower , after I am done with that I go to the sink brushing my teeth and washing my face .

I pick an outfit for the day then doing my hair . Before I leave I write a note for ria letting her know where I am going and that i will be back soon .

While I am walking out my door I bump into Jess praying he doesn't see me but due to my awful luck he does .

"Yo ima can we speak-" he says smiling

"Don't ima me and no we can't " I respond trying to walk away but he catches up

"We both know we are going to end  being friends again so why can't we just go back to how things were before "

"You just don't get it " I say chuckling

"Jess it will never be like before , yes we probably will become friends again but It will never be like before you broke my trust I trusted you with something and you went and ran your mouth about it to Marcus not even one hour later , then a day after that you tell the whole team ,

so if you excuse me I'm going out" I add on pushing past him

"Are you good I saw what happen with you and Jesse you want me to go talk to him ?" Bukayo asks me while I am walking

"No it's fine I'm going out I will be back soon "I say giving him a hug for his kindness

Bukayo is one of the only people I have ever spoken to in the team . He is extremely kind and is a nice guy to be around .


are you going out ??

Read by jadon at 10:54

Weird I think to my self before a notification pops up on my phone .



I didn't ask for any money jadon 😭

Yeah but Marcus normally
Sends you money but he's
Mad at you so im guessing
He's not

Your to sweet man😭

I will see you later ml
Liked by imani  11:05



>i wrote this at 2:25am yesterday 😭

>voteee n comment🤗

>1130 words

> I forgot to post nd it's currently round 2 am so yh

> I have not proof read this so apologies for any mistakes😭

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