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I wake up and attempt to sit up from the bed but fail due to the amount of pain on my head .I look next to me to be met with with jadon sleeping with his arm around me and suddenly everything comes back to me .

The hotel room door flies open and bukayo ,Marcus and Jesse walk in .

" imani your awake" I hear bukayo scream as he walks into the room first making Marcus who was behind him push him over to get to me causing bukayo  to fall  on his stomach after being trampled on by both Jesse and Marcus .

"You lot are some fake people pushing me over like that can't even help your man up " bukayo says getting up

"I would help you but I genuinely don't think I can get up " I laugh at how helpless he was

"I know you would your the only real one " he speaks sitting on the bed hugging me

"OWW" we all here making us turn to jadon

"You dickhead your sat on my foot " jadon spits making us all burst out in laughter

"My bad " bukayo replies allowing jadon to move his foot before sitting back down

"na but for real I thought you died or some shi  " bukayo tells me while jadon uses his free hand to pull me closer to him

"Wonder who's fault that is " jadon mumbles looking over to Jess who looked at me with a guilty look

"Why are we looking at Jess " Marcus awkwardly laughs

"Your best friend-" bukayo starts

"Tried to help me but he couldn't " I finish for bukayo earning weird looks from both jadon and him

I have known Jesse for so long and as much as I hate him for what he did to me I know it would hurt Marcus to know that his best friend had hurt his little sister

"Alight you lot tryna get breakfast cause I'm hungry as fuck "Jess says looking at Marcus

"I will be back " Marcus says before walking out with jesse 

"Why didn't you tell Marcus what Jesse did ?"bukayo asks me

"I don't need to tell him nothing I get he's my brother but he doesn't need to know everything"

"aight ma " jadon says pressing kisses all over my face

"Stop " I say attempting to push him away

"My bad you just look so pretty "

"I have literally got a massive bandage round my head blood stains all over it my make up hasn't been washed of and my hair not done ,boy who are you lying to " I reply chuckling

Jadon doesn't reply but starts pressing kisses all over my face making me push him away  again

"Move man " I say causing him to kiss his teeth

"Ewyiu lot are gonna make me vomit " bukayo says

"You jokeman get out then " jadon laughs as bukayo leaves

Jadon pulls me onto his lap and starts sucking onto my neck while my breath starts to get heavier and heavier causing me to try and push jadon away

"Relax ma I ain't gonna do nothing " jadon says kissing my lips then stopping

"Can I ask you something " I hear him say making me look to him letting him know I was listening

"What did you say to Jesse to make him do all this shit "

"I called him a wasteman and he got pissed " I say laughing

"That's it?" He asks

"All that I can remember "

jadon kisses his teeth mumbling about how much of a joke jesse can be sometimes.

Before  i could say anything else bukayo runs into the room.

"marcus found out" he says out of breath 

authors note.

-hi guys its lowk been so long

-i have ideas now tho

-hope you lot enjoyed.

-not proof read

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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