Chapter 9 - More Intruders

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It's too late to get to the window so Keith follows as Curtis crawls under his dad's desk. It's hollow on the underneath, with enough space for a little foot hammock and a wooden back that disguises the two grown men from the rest of the room.

How convenient.

The voice gets louder as it nears the room. The speaker seems to have someone following him. Judging by the tone of the conversation, it doesn't seem like they're sneaking around.

It doesn't sound like Keith's father either.

Too bad this desk doesn't have eye holes cut out.
The office light sneaks in for a moment as the door creaks open. It momentarily allows the men to spot a mini fridge that was camouflaged by the cabinet. He looks at Curtis sitting just like he is, trying to keep within the confines of the desk, in the fetal position with his arms wrapped around his legs.

"Don't put on the light, the guard might see us this time." The familiar voice instructs someone.

Underneath the desk, Curtis decides to sign to Keith. He curved his hand into a C then split his fingers, two fingers pointed up and the other two pointed down which spelt the word, "Coke?"

Keith shakes his head, a universal sign for "Nah." He quickly rethought his decision and signed back by facing his right palm to the side of his head, then making a small chopping motion down, "Later."

"I hope the new principal doesn't suck like this one does." The stranger tells his companion, his voice getting more familiar by the minute. "Else they'll deserve what's coming to them."

The men look at each other, their eyes widened in horror.

The voice continues, "I'd expect this from them in Primary school, I'd even understand if they did it in College but this is University dammit and if I want to have toast in the morning, I should be able to keep a toaster in my dorm." He sounds serious, "Remember we're planning with the frat guys to move all the principal's stuff outside to the office – but Arthur said they did something already."

The professors silently let out a breath of relief. As if to say; No worries, they're just planning a childish scheme – thank God, I thought it was murder.

Keith hears the movement of furniture.

"Look on the bright side." The same voice continues, "I can't wait to pay off all my student loans, bribe someone to get our degrees and retire somewhere."

Finally, Keith recognizes the voice. It's Joseph and no doubt the other person must be Eric, his silent best friend.

Keeping his head to the floor, Keith moves to get a visual by peering out at the foot of the desk. Eric wears a black jacket, while Joseph is in a dark turtleneck. Joseph's back is turned to him as they move a filing cabinet away from the wall. Eric picks up a white piece of paper off the floor whilst Joseph pulls a long rolled up sheet of paper from the basket sitting on the cabinet.

Waving the paper cylinder, he comments, "I bet Trevor hits blunts this big."

Trevor? Trevor Wilkins? Great.
He's not a quiet student just someone high out of their minds in class.

Keith retreats to his safer, more comfortable position.

The sound of Joseph rolling out the paper in his hand is heard. "Look another one." A pause is filled by the few quick snapping sounds of a camera.

Keith adjusts and returns to peeking in hopes that Eric's expressions would give him a sense of what is going on but to his dismay, Eric's back was now facing him, but Joseph was in view.

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