Chapter 20 - Hungry

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After much deliberation, the crew decided to take a trip to the cafeteria. Much to Dr. Tate's objections, Mr. Westwood rose shakily to his feet and hobbled towards the group. The students swarmed around him, hounding him with concerned questions.

"Geez. I'm starting to feel like a science project." Mr. Westwood grimaces, "How about finding the most scientific way of getting us out of here?"

"We tried that. Didn't work." Joseph tells him, "By the way you're out of sulfuric acid."

"You're telling me that lock is indestructible?" Mr. Westwood raises an eyebrow at the kid.

"We have a theory that someone might've switched the acid with water or at least mislabeled it." Alex explains.

"Is that the only laboratory- I'm sure there must be more somewhere? I didn't make this entire university with just one lab you know."

"Well It's one of the few that were unlocked." Alex pointed out.

"What about the principal's office - must have some spares inside there."

"What about the key to the principal's office?"

"Give me a break - I'm injured." He huffed, with a teasing undertone.

"Hence, you should have remained in the office." Dr. Tate mumbles, low enough for him to hear. He catches Mr. Westwood's shooting glare sending the silent message loud and clear, 'I'm still your boss.'

"Exercise speeds up the healing process."

"That's not -." Dr. Tate stops, inhales as he realizes that anything he could say to make the man look stupid would surely fall on deaf ears. It was like talking to his grandparents about the latest technology - they simply did not care to care. "Nevermind."

"And besides, I have to give you the spare key and open up."

"I understand but the key is portable. The students could have made a few trips by now."

"Could have - should have."

One of the perks that captures any student's attention. The last-but-not-least part of this University tour was the cafeteria.

The cafeteria is a nice place - a friendly, colourful atmosphere. It's metal doors swung open during the daytime. Usually light and airy, with a welcoming aroma of fresh bread and fried chicken or whatever the special of the day was - Bar-b-que, gyros, salad bowls, soup - whatever was there, it was delicious. The swarm of shopkeepers around to ask 'What ya want to eat today?"

It had a few corners for the different types of students - the pool table corner. The darts corner. Couches for the ones trying to cram for an exam - or the rare on-time study bugs. Then the middle of the room was filled with differently shaped tables and chairs.

However, without the usual crew of workers there, it just looked like an abandoned garage. The metal doors sealed shut as though it never opened before and a plain glass window the students and some of the teachers never knew was there before. The doors were open so much throughout the day and late in the night, no one ever thought to peek behind the door.

They were not accustomed to the lifeless atmosphere.

"Wow." Dakota comments.

"What?" Alex asks.

"I just never seen it like this."

"What were you expecting."

"I don't know - something ." Alex had tried to string a sentence together but somehow everyone knew what she was thinking. For a lack of a better word - Empty.

"Alright let's start looting." Joseph rubs his hands together.

"Don't be so greedy." Professor Vai scolds him.

"Oh yeah sorry." Joseph looks at Mr. Westwood, "Can we start looting please?"

Eric spots a discarded football in one of the plant boxes. It had crushed some of the flowers.

"Let me just see if I have the key - and if I don't then we'd have to find another way in." Mr. Westwood slowly, wincing in pain, presses his pockets. Joseph stands in front of him with his palm out, eager for the old man to place the key in his hand. He slowly dips - although at this rate - waterboards his hand into his pants pocket. "Not in here. " He mutters - shifts painfully to the other side as he is right handed - into the next pocket. "I think I have it - no."

"He reminds me of my grandpa." Curtis comments to Dr. Tate. "Great - grandpa."

"Here it is - er. No? I - oh here."

Before Mr. Westwood could hand over the key - and the sound of shattering glass draws their attention. The window had spontaneously combusted. Actually, it wasn't so spontaneous afterfall.

Trying to master a winning goal kick, Eric launched the football through the air and it sailed smack-dab in the middle of the plain glass window.

"Should I still use the key?"

"What do you see in there?" Curtis calls out. They were at the lunch counter of the cafeteria which was situated all the way to the back of the building. The students quickly climbed over counter to closely survey the selection of snacks in the display tray. Mr. Westwood however, sat at the entrance with Dr. Tate, not seeing the need to walk through the cafeteria.

"Tortillaz, Lays, Ole', Big foot and Twizzlers." They call out.

"Red Twizzlers?"


"Ugh." Curtis grimaces, "Ok. Give me."

"Any chicken sandwiches in there?"

"I gotta check the back." Joseph calls walking to the back room with two arms full of packaged chips. Eric follows him, to lend an extra pair of arms. Dakota and Alex keep rummaging around the front part of the store calling out more snacks that are there.

"Did you get any food back there? Joseph?" Alex asks, poking her head into the back room. "Joseph?... Joe? Guys he's gone. Eric too."


"Did you hear them say anything?"

"No, nothing, they're gone." Alex calls out, her voice shaky. She sees the back entrance open, the door is swinging slowly on its well-oiled hinges. She grabs onto Dakota who is also too afraid to peek out.

Fear pools in the pit of his stomach when he doesn't hear the girls. The thought of something or someone holding a gun to their heads and dragging the boys out silently sets in. They wouldn't just leave - not without noise at least. Curtis jumps over the counter, to see them standing frozen in the middle of the kitchen, looking at the door.

Curtis picks up the closest tool in his reach, which happens to be a rolling pin and stalks to the door. The girls watch as he disappears out the door. Professor Curtis was always a strong man. In a wrestling match between himself and Keith, Curtis would lose but not due to a matter of strength - if it came down that he had to beat up Keith - he could surely pummel the Creative Writing Teacher into a bloody pulp - but he would never. He wasn't the fighting type.

He felt quite silly picking up the rolling pin because even if someone jumped out from behind a bush - he wouldn't be able to deliver a knockout blow.

He needed Keith - but what if Keith's gone too.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30 ⏰

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