Memories 2

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My father's spirit gently hugs me and kisses my forehead. Tears stream down my wet face again. dad i miss you please come back

,, Why? Why are you letting me down? ", these words bubble out of me. my eyes rest on his.

"Rose, I wish I could take today back and spend it with you. Now you must fight for both of us! Avenge my death, Rose. Please. " my father begs me, sobbing into my school uniforma lump forms in my throat. I start swallowing hard. "I will." I reply softly.

I immediately shake off the doubts that are rising in me. I take a deep breath before returning to Dad's memories.

a soft whisper fills the silence: ,, This is not the beginning. Wait a moment!"

Everything around me vanishes into thin air.

[ Scene change: This happened before Snape's daughter came to Hogwarts.]

General POV

Professor Snape sat in front of his desk like every evening to check the essays from his students. There's a loud knock at the door. ,, Yes. ' the Potions master barked through gritted teeth and lowered his quill. A few moments later, Dumbledore was standing in his officethe old man's eyes suddenly looked sad. The black-haired professor instinctively raised an eyebrow.

"What brings you to me at such a late hour?" the younger of the two consciously asked slowly and motioned his guest to sit down.

the Headmaster understood the gesture and sat down directly in front of him.

,, Well Severus, you have to promise me something! Namely that you will listen to me to the end when I tell you the following!" he asked his protégé with a regretful undertone . Severus looked confused at his superior. However, she nodded to him.

,, Good! Last night Miss Greece died during one of her laboratory experiments. And to make matters worse, her daughter witnessed this terrible event.

The girl is currently in St. Mungo's because the doctors want to do some tests with her.

Once her mind is more stable, I will erase those memories from her mind. The poor thing has been through so much. I don't want her young soul to break over something like this.

she will live with her aunt until next school year. Then she will come to Hogwarts with us. She's just like her father. rose lily Good night Severus! ", so the headmaster said goodbye to him, leaving a completely agitated professor.

,, Dead? Amanda, my true love, whom I loved dearly, is no longer with us? No. No." It crossed his mind several times.

"Now there's no one left to love. ' he sobbed into his black sleeves in a tear-choked voice.

many tears flowed down his cheeks. But it didn't bother him. Everything around him faded. Only his sadness ate deep into his heart.

"Oh, Amanda. i love you I have always loved you. My time as a spy would only have put you and Rosè in danger. so I kept avoiding you and trying to hurt you with words. But you were so stubborn. ", he whispered his confession into the silent room through many sobs.

Suddenly he realized that there was still someone who was very important to him. his daughter Rose Lily.

,, I will always protect you and love you with every fiber of my body! I promise to you! As true as my name is Severus Snape. ' Professor Snape whispered into the room, laying a hand on his chest as a sign of his oatha smile crept onto his lips.

end of scene

the last words to Severus daughterWhere stories live. Discover now