(Most are all pronounced how they are in English)
Fous - numbers Plural
Noma - number
Bida - some, a few
Bitam - a lot(as in worth)
Bosh - bunch
Eintheing - anything
Ething - everything
Hanch - how much
Hani - many
Loda - lots, a lot (denotes plurality)
Mou - more(moubeda)
Tona - countless, many From "ton"
Noda - another
Ostof - the rest, the remainder
Pleni - enough From "plenty"
Won - one
Fos - first(fostaim)
Fostaim - first(fos)
Tu - two
Seken - second
Thri - three
Thot - third
fou(#) - Four
Fot - fourth
fai - five
Fit - fifth
sis(#) - six
Sison - sixth
Sen - seven
Senon - seventh
Eit - eight
Eidon - eighth
Nain - nine
Nainon - ninth
Ten - ten
Tenon - tenth
Len - eleven
Twel - twelve
Thotin - thirteen
Fotin - fourteen
Fitin - fifteen
Sistin - sixteen
Sentin - seventeen
Eitin - eighteen
Naitin - nineteen
Tweni - twenty
Thodi - thirty
Fodi - fourty
Fidi - fifty
Sisti - sixty
Sendi - seventy
Eidi - eighty
Naidi - ninety
Honet - hundred
Thauz - thousand
Miyon - million
Biyon - billion
Learn The Grounder Language
FanfictionAll used from Memrise.com It will include, nouns, verbs, and basic information about the language and Grounders.