Chapter 2

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Peter was shaken awake by Miles.

"Dad, wake up! I wanna patrol!" He whined.

"Alright, Miles. We can patrol." Peter said.

Miles cheered and ran out of the room to get his suit.

Peter got in his suit and called Ned on the suit's comms.

"Hey, Peter!" Ned spoke.

"Hey, Ned." Peter said back.

"Hey, Uncle Ned!" Miles spoke through his suit's comms.

"Hi Miles!" Ned responded.

Peter and Miles swung out the window and starting patrolling.

6 hours later, they were sitting on the top of The Empire State Building.

"So, when's your next date with mom?" Miles asked.

"Thursday." Peter started "Y'know you're lucky that you got to call her mom so fast. It took 3 years for me to be able to call her Mj."

"I know, I know." Miles responded.

They heard the sound of Iron-Man's repulsors and turned around. They saw Iron-Man hovering behind them.

"So, gonna tell me who the kid is now?" He asked.

Peter looked at Miles, silently asking for permission. When Miles nodded, Peter spoke. "This is my son, Miles."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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