Chapter 1: The Bullying and How it Started

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It all started in 2nd grade when little Sofia Prescott started getting bullied . It Was a hot summer day in May and Sofia was new to school, her parents had just moved to a new town and she had to change schools so of course she was the new kid that everyone picked on. It was her first day at her new school and she didn't really know anybody but the teacher sure seemed to like her a lot. Sofia's teacher Ms.Miller gave her all sorts of arts and crafts that the students had made. Two of the students got jealous because the projects were for Ms.Miller. So they both went up to Sofia and started teasing her. Their names were Jenna and Amber. Jenna sat down right next to Sofia and took one of her drawings and crumbled it up. While Amber was teasing Sofia she started to pull her hair. Sofia didn't really think much about it because she didn't know what was going on, and she had no idea what bullying was. As the years went by Sofia was tormented and tortured by Jenna and Amber all because of some stupid arts and crafts from second grade like seriously. In third grade they pulled her hair and made jokes about her. In fourth grade they used to throw crayons and pencils at her while she was trying to work. Then came fifth-grade also known as graduation year. Well let's just say Sofia had a really hard time that year. It was 2 months before her fifth grade graduation and Sofia was sitting in art class finishing her project when Jenna and Amber got up to go grab a bottle of paint. Sofia noticed that they were getting the same color paint they had already been using so she knew something was up. They started walking towards Sofia with the paint and Sofia started getting nervous because she knew something was going to happen so she raised her hand. She had her hand high in the air but the teacher didn't see it because she was busy helping another student. Jenna and Amber finally reached Sofia and started talking to her. Sofia was so scared something was gonna happen so she kept saying to them "leave me alone, go away I am trying to do my work", but Jenna and Amber didn't leave her Alone. Jenna had the paint behind her back and started to walk towards Sofia's chair. When she got close enough she pretended to trip and she spilled red paint all over Sofia's brand new clothing. Sofia screamed in humiliation and got so mad that she slapped Jenna and left a red paint print on her face. The whole class was laughing at Sofia and the teacher turned around but only to see Sofia slap Jenna. So the teacher sent her to the principles office and they called her house. So Sofia got in trouble and Jenna and Amber didn't. One time in Sofia's swim class Sofia was swimming and Jenna tried to drown her while the coach wasn't looking. Then Amber grabbed Sofia's clothing and hid them in the trash while Sofia was preparing to get out the pool to change and go home. Sofia looked everywhere for her clothes and asked everyone if they had seen them. Until she saw a shoelace hanging out of the trash bin and noticed that it was hers. Sofia was so angry at Amber. She just grabbed her clothes and put them on and went home. So it's graduation day and Sofia is all super happy and she has on a nice purple dress that her mom had bought her. Her hair is in these nice golden locks all curly, and her shoes are these purple glitter flats. Sofia is with her family and they're all taking pictures and smiling. When out of nowhere comes Jenna and Amber just laughing and whispering about Sofia. Sofia overhears them talking about her and asks her parents if she could go to the bathroom, because she didn't want anyone to see her crying. On her way to the bathroom Jenna and Amber follow Sofia and go into the bathroom with her. Sofia is in tears and Amber starts hitting Sofia while Jenna is calling her these hurtful names. Sofia doesn't know what to do she's scared so she tries to move back but she slips and hits her head on the bathroom sink. Sofia is on the ground passed out while there is blood pouring out of her head. Jenna and Amber get scared so they go and yell for help. A teacher goes into the bathroom and sees Sofia just laying there looking lifeless and calls for more help. Everyone hears the commotion and Sofia's parents walk into the bathroom. Sofia's mother screams and runs up to Sofia and starts crying. While Sofia's father is just standing there in shock of what he had just seen. Sofia's mother picks her up and carries her outside of the bathroom and starts yelling "SOMEBODY CALL 911!!!" She yells as blood is just dripping down her arms. So the ambulance arrived at the school 4 minutes later and the EMT workers come out and run into the school to see where Sofia is. Sofia's mother is carrying Sofia in her arms crying and begging for her not to die. So the EMT workers grab Sofia out of her mothers arms and start working on her. Sofia's pulse is very weak and do is her blood pressure. The EMT workers are getting her ready to wheel her away in the gurney when all of a sudden Sofia flatlines. Her mothers eyes go big and she faints. Sofia's dad catches her. The EMT workers hear when she flatlines and race to start CPR. The EMT worker is pressing down on Sofia's chest while the other one is giving her mouth to mouth. One of them pounds her chest hard one time and the continues the CPR. The monitor Sofia's hooked up to starts beeping again and everyone looks so happy and relieved. The EMT workers start wheeling her out and into the ambulance and Sofia's mother and father go with them.

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