Chapter 6: Recovery?

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"What's going on?!?!" Yelled Sofia's father.  "The baby is in distress" said Mike. "CAN I GET A GURNEY IN HERE!!!" Yelled Mike. A nurse quickly brought a gurney to them and then helped Mike and Sofia's father carefully pick up Sofia's mother Caitlyn and put her on the gurney. "I've already lost one daughter I can't loose another child and my wife as well" cried Sofia's father. "We will take good care of your wife and child" Mike said to him. They wheeled Caitlyn away and Sofia's father just stood there with an emptiness inside of him. He felt weak as if there was nothing for him to do. He felt like he could've done something more. Mike wheels Caitlyn into hospital room in the Maternity ward. The nurses hook Caitlyn and the baby up to the hospital monitor and the baby monitor. "The baby's heart rate is dropping we need to do a C - section" said Mike to a nurse. "Alright let's bring her up to OR 1" he then proceeded to say. The on call Obstetrician took Caitlyn up for the C - section while Mike went to tell Sofia's dad what was going on. "The baby's heart rate was dropping quickly and we had to take Caitlyn up for a C-section" said Mike. "Can I see my daughter?" Said Sofia's father. "Yes of course" Mike replied. They go up to the Psych ward and into Sofia's room. The teens were being nosy and looking at them. Sofia's father sat on the side of the bed and pulled the sheets off of Sofia's face. He placed his head on her chest and sobbed quietly. Mike started walking out the room when Sofia's father said something. "Her heart" he said. "Excuse me?" Mike said. "Her heart, I can hear it beating" Sofia's father responded. "Listen John these things happen, you think you're hearing something but it's just in your imagination" Mike said. "LOOK FEEL!!" Sofia's father yelled as he grabbed Mikes hand and placed it on Sofia's chest. "Holy crap" Mike said as he took out his stethoscope and placed it on her chest. Sofia's heart was beating. Mike put his finger under Sofia's nose to check if she was breathing. He felt air come out and he yelled in for some nurses. "NURSE WE NEED SOME NURSES IN HERE!!" Mike yelled. The nurses came running in and the teenagers were looking in and being nosy cause of all the commotion. "Turn on the monitor" Mike said. One of the nurses  turned it on and another hooked her up to the monitor.  When they checked her vitals were all stable. Everything her blood pressure her heart rate everything. She was breathing on her own as well she didn't have a tube down her throat. "OH MY GOD" Sofia's father cried as he fell on his knees with joy and happiness. All the teens were standing at the doorway of the room watching everything. "Come on John, your wife should be out of surgery soon, you should go meet her back in her room and tell her the news" Mike said. John nodded his head and followed him. The nurses took care of Sofia. When they got to Caitlyn's room the Obstetrician was wheeling her and the baby into the room. Caitlyn was holding the baby in her arms with a big smile on her face. "It's a boy" she said as she held her son for the first time. In that second Sofia's parents forgot about everything. They forgot about Sofia they forgot about all the bad that they've been through. In that second all that really seemed to matter was that little baby boy. Then Mike walked in the room and everything went back into realization. Caitlyn looked at Mikes face and everything came back to her. "Sofia..." Caitlyn whispered under her breathe. Mike looked at Sofia's father John. "Do you want to tell her the news?" He asked. John nodded as he remembered what just happened. "What news?" Sofia's mother asked. "Sofia's alive" John said. "She's alive sweetheart our daughter is alive and okay" he said as tears of joy filled his eyes. "What?!" Sofia's mother Caitlyn yelled as she held her son and cried. Mike checked in on Sofia every few hours too see if she was awake. About 7 hours later Mike walked in Sofia's room, and just sat in the chair next to her bed and watched her vitals and just talked to her while she was unconscious. When all of a sudden from the corner of his eye he saw something move. Sofia's finger started moving. Mike looked over towards Sofia and saw her hand moving. He went up to her bed and started calling her name and checking her vitals. Mike called Sofia's name for the 5th time and there was no response. Then out of nowhere Sofia's eyes just opened. Mike sat on her bed and flashed his pen light in her eyes to check her pupils. "Sofia follow the light with your eyes" he said. As he moved the pen left and right Sofia's eyes followed it. "Sofia can you hear me?" Mike asked. Sofia nodded yes but didn't say anything. "Sofia why did you do this to yourself" Mike asked her. Sofia didn't say anything, she just layed there crying. "Sofia you have to help me here, tell me what happened" Mike said. Sofia looked at him and tried to speak but nothing came out. She couldn't say anything she tried to talk but nothing came out. "Ok I'm gonna take you for a head CT" said Mike. Mike took her straight to get the CT scan. About 20 minutes later Mike took Sofia back to her room. Sofia's mother into Sofia's room with the new baby and Sofia's father. Sofia just layed in her bed and looked out the window. "So I took a head CT of Sofia's brain and the results are not good" Mike said. "What's wrong?" Sofia's father said. "In the scan it showed some brain damage in the area of Sofia's brain that allows us to speak and communicate" Mike said. "There was a huge amount of damage on that specific area of the brain due to lack of oxygen" Mike said. "what does this mean?" Sofia's mother asked. "Basically this means Sofia cannot speak to us, she needs to go through Physical therapy to help her start to speaking again" Mike said. "She can understand us but she cannot verbally communicate with us" Mike proceeded to say. "Oh God" Sofia's mother said. Sofia just looked out the window and ignored everyone in the room. She didn't make any eye contact with them at all. Anytime someone tried to talk to her she would just turn the other way. It's like she was physically there but mentally she wasn't at all. Everyone just thought she was depressed. So Mike put her on a different antidepressant. Sofia was admitted into the hospital for 3 months in the Psych ward For her suicide attempt. Those 3 months were a bit hard for her in there. She didn't really know anyone and all the other kids and teenagers were staring at her. While she was in there she was seen by a speech therapist to help her start talking again. Sofia made a marvelous improvement. She was learning how to speak again and she actually for once felt a bit happy about it. One day while Sofia was laying down in her room a visitor came to see her. Mike walked into the room and said " Hey Sofia you have a visitor, if you need anything I'll be right outside". He walked away and behind him was Jacob. Sofia turned her head to see him standing there. She felt an overwhelming feeling of anger and sadness. Sofia stared at him with an angry face until he walked in. Sofia tried to speak to him, "w-w-what d-d-do y-you want" she said. "Sofia I'm so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you please forgive me" he said. Sofia looked at him and cried. "Sofia please forgive me, don't cry I love you I don't know what's wrong with me" Jacob said with a depressed look on his face. Jacob sat on Sofia's bed and held her tight as she cried. "I'm sorry Sofia I truly am" he said as he began to cry as well. Sofia wrapped her arms around him and held him tight. She whispered as she was about to fall asleep "I-I-I f-f-forgivvve y-you". Sofia then fell asleep and Jacob just twirled her hair around and watched as she slept. He saw her arms and he just looked at the huge slices and he cried. "Oh Sofia why did you do this to yourself" he whispered as he cried. Visiting hours was now almost over so Jacob kissed Sofia's forehead and gently got off the bed and tucked Sofia in. He left her a note saying that he had to leave. Mike let Jacob out of the room and gave him a smile. Time and time went on and Jacob and Sofia just got closer to each other. They started dating again and they were both so happy. Jacob made Sofia feel So happy. Mike recommend that Jacob see Sofia more because of how happy she is and how much progress she is making with her speech therapist. One day while Jacob was visiting her she was with the other patients and her speech therapist in like the play area. Jacob was sitting there watching as Sofia's speech therapist helped him pronounce some of the words she was having a hard time with. Sofia was getting so frustrated because she just wanted to pronounce that one word correctly and she kept getting it wrong. "Sofia it's ok, we can try again tomorrow" Sofia's therapist said. "N-no I-I w-want to t-t-t-try i-it n-now p-please" Sofia said. Sofia tried it one more time and she couldn't pronounce it correctly. Sofia got frustrated and just sat down with her arms crossed. "It's ok Sofia" Jacob said. Sofia just sat there with an upset look on her face. When all of a sudden she started feeling weird. Her hands felt clammy and her heart started beating faster. She's felt that before. Right before she would have a seizure. Sofia stood up quickly and started panicking. "Sofia what's wrong" both Jacob and her therapist said. Sofia grabbed her head and fell back. Right before she fell back she said "M-Mike". Jacob caught Sofia in his arms as she went into a seizure. "SOMEBODY HELP!" Jacob yelled. All the teenagers and kids turned around to see what was happening. Mike came running in when he heard all the yelling. Sofia's therapist just stood there with a shocked look on her face. Jacob was holding Sofia in his arms when Mike came running in. "Put her on her side" Mike said. Jacob put Sofia down on her side. Jacob was so scared he never saw Sofia have a seizure before he didn't know what to do. Mike took off his lab coat and placed it gently under Sofia's head. "What do we do?" Jacob said. "We have to let her ride it out" Mike said to him. Sofia stops convulsing and seizing. Mike carries her to her hospital bed. He tucks her in and hooks her back up to the hospital monitor and IV. "Ok what happened?" Mike asks. "She was getting frustrated because she couldn't pronounce this one word correctly" Jacob said. "She wanted to prove that she could do it but she couldn't" he proceeded to say. "Ok I'm gonna have to change her epilepsy medication" Mike said. Mike changed her medication and ever since Sofia hasn't had a seizure. When Sofia woke up Jacob was right by her side hugging her. He never left her side he was always there for her. Sofia's therapy sessions finished and she was as good as new. She could speak again it was as if she never had any brain damage at all. Sofia's was leaving and Jacob came to visit her. He held her hand as they both walked out the hospital into the car. Sofia's parents were waiting for them and her baby brother as well. "Sofia meet your baby brother Toby" Sofia's mother said. Sofia smiled and kissed Toby's cheek. "I love you Toby" she said as her mother started the car then drove them home.

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