Chapter 2: After the accident

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So the ambulance arrives at the hospital and the EMT workers wheel Sofia in. One of the on call doctors take her to a trauma room. One of the EMT workers explain to the doctor what had happened when they arrived. One of the nurses takes Sofia's mother and father into the waiting room because they weren't allowed in the room while the doctor was working on her. The doctor checks her blood work and her chart. He took Sofia up to surgery because of the damage she suffered when she fell and hit her head. Sofia broke her arm during the fall and suffered some head trauma as well. So it's a few hours later and Sofia's doctor is wheeling Sofia back to her room. He speak to Sofia's parents and say "Everything went well during surgery, there was a lot of blood loss but we were able to control the bleeding, we put a cast on her arm and it should heal in a few weeks". Her parents thanked the doctor and went in the room to go and see Sofia. A few hours later after her surgery Sofia starts waking up.Her parents are right in the room with her when she starts waking up. Sofia twitches her fingers a bit and then her hand. Then she starts opening her eyes. Sofia's mother starts to notice her hand twitch and wakes up her father. When Sofia opens her eyes her mother grabs her hand and says "it's alright Sofia its mommy and daddy were both right here sweetheart". Sofia asks "what's going on mommy what happened" ? Her mother says "Sofia you hit your head in the bathroom sweet pea but it's okay your in the hospital, your all better now". Sofia smiles at her parents and hugs them both and tells them how much she loves them. They hug her back so relieved that she's not in a worse position. The doctors had told Sofia's parents that they needed to keep her overnight for observation. The head trauma that Sofia suffered was very severe and they needed to make sure nothing happened to her while she was awake or asleep. Visiting hours was almost over so Sofia's parents had to leave soon. Sofia got hungry so she asked her parents for some food. Her parents asked the doctor if she could eat anything and the doctor said yes and ordered a nurse to go get Sofia some food. After the nurse gave Sofia her food visiting hours were just ending so Sofia's parents had to leave. Sofia said goodbye to them and they both said goodbye back. Sofia started eating her food from the hospital cafeteria. Later that day after her parents had left Sofia walks around to the play area with the other sick kids. When she gets there the two people she never guessed would be there were there. Of course it was Amber and Jenna. Just sitting there picking on the other kids. They look up and see Sofia standing there and start to walk up to her. In Sofia's head she's thinking "oh great what are these too doing here, are they here to mess with me some more". "Why can't they just leave me alone" she says in her head. They get up close to her and look her up and down. They say "you gave us quite a little scare Sofia we thought you were dead, well you know until you woke up of corse". sofia says to them "yeah well sorry I woke up then I'm guessing you would be glad I was dead wouldn't you". Amber says "no not really" and Jenna shushes her and says "yes actually we would be glad you were dead, the world would be a much better place without you in it". Sofia nods and says "okay" then walks back to her room. Sofia walks to the window with tears in her eyes. She says to herself "maybe they're right, maybe the world would be a better place without me in it". Sofia tries to open all of the medical drawers but only one of them was open. So she looks through anything in the medical drawer to take. She finds an insulin pen in there and twist it all the way up to 25 and injects herself in the leg. Sofia starts feeling weird and falls over a bit. She falls on the floor and passes out. She starts having a seizure. Sofia was already connected back on to the hospital monitor when she started having the seizure. Her mouth starts to foam and her hands are at her chest all tightened and she's convulsing extremely hard and uncontrollably. The doctors hear the monitor ringing and race to the room. Sofia's doctor Dr.Leighton runs in to find Sofia seizing on the floor. He sees the insulin pen next to her hand and yells for one of the nurses to bring in some Glucose as she was in a state of Insulin Shock. He puts Sofia on her side and puts a pillow under her head so she doesn't hurt her head. He keeps yelling for the glucose and then one of the nurses comes in with it. Sofia's still convulsing when the nurse comes back with the glucose. It's was 5-6 minutes that Sofia was seizing for. Dr.Leighton grabs the glucose bag and starts an IV line. He sticks the needle into Sofia's arm and puts the glucose bag on the IV pole. He makes sure that the glucose was connected correctly to the IV line he put in Sofia. After about 5 more minutes Sofia's convulsions start slowing down. The convulsions got slower and slower and slower to the point where her hands that were all tightened up just fell flat to the floor. She stopped foaming and her convulsions finally stopped. Sofia's seizing was completely over but she was still knocked out so the nurse and Dr.Leighton both picked her up and put her on her hospital bed. They both sat in the room wondering how she could have done that to herself and how on earth did she get the insulin pen. The nurse suggested that she may have gotten the pen from one of the medical drawers. However Dr.Leighton said that the medical drawers were locked and that they were always locked so that a patient wouldn't you know do what Sofia just did. Sofia was only 10 at the time so why on earth would she want to do that to herself. Dr. Leighton and the nurse check the medical drawers to find that only one of them were open. They look inside and all that was in there was insulin pens. Dr.Leighton looks at the nurse and they both wonder who unlocked that particular drawer. Sofia starts moving her head a little bit. Dr.Leighton and the nurse see her and walk over to her bed. Sofia starts waking up and Dr.Leighton takes out his medical pens and stethoscope. Sofia opens her eyes and by now is fully awake. Dr. Leighton checks her eyes, throat and ears. He then proceeds to listen to her heart. Everything seems good but he will have to do more testing on her just to make sure. Sofia is fully awake by now and she starts crying and saying "why?!?, why didn't you let me die?!?". Dr. Leighton doesn't know what to say to her. He feels so bad that she even thought about committing suicide, but he feels even worse that he can't do anything to make her feel better and good about herself. He gives Sofia a sedative to calm her down a bit, and then walks out the room to call her parents. Dr. Leighton calls Sofia's parents and tells them everything that happened and urges them to come to the hospital during visiting hours the next day. They agree with dr. Leighton and hang up the phone. A few hours later Sofia's wide awake and dr. Leighton takes her up to go get a CT scan. The Ct comes back negative and dr.Leighton looks relieved. Dr.Leighton meets Sofia's parents in his office so that they could sign the discharge papers. They all sit down and talk about Sofia. Dr.Leighton tells them about Sofia's suicide attempt and recommends that she takes antidepressants. Sofia's parents agree and sign the discharge papers. Sofia's parents then go to Sofia's room and get her dressed and ready to go. Sofia hugs dr. Leighton and thanks him for saving her life twice. Sofia and her parents leave the hospital and Dr. Leighton smiles and waves goodbye.

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