Came true

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You froze in awe as the demon walked towards you, the closer he got the more you fell in love, even if he wasn't a demon he was the most attractive person in the world.

"Almost forgot about you little girl. What's your name?" His voice was gentle yet firm. "(Y,n)." He smiled and patted your head.

That's the last thing you remember.

When you woke up you were somewhere you didn't recognize. Someone knocked. "Come in." You spoke with fear in your voice.

The demon from before walked in. "Your lucky, the boss wants to see you." Boss? "Oh, okay." He sensed your fear. "Don't worry." As he walked you around the odd place you were in you asked him something.

"Those markings in your eyes, are you one of the twelve kizuki?" Your grandparents educated you mostly on the world of demons and that the strongest were called the twelve kizuki or twelve moons.

"Upper three, call me Akaza." You made a noise indicating you understood. "Where am I?" "The infinity castle." Akaza stopped by a door. "Go in, and if I were you don't speak unless you're asked to."

"Thank you." When you walked in the room was dark except for a few candles. "(Y,n) Kōri you are an interesting human, putting your own village in danger to see a demon."

You stayed quiet as advised. "I've never in my many years think a mere human would want to see us. Why?" "I grew up listening to my grandparents telling me stories of demons....I was fascinated."

"Then you should already know my name." You nodded, his voice, the eyes, everything about him matches your grandparents description, Muzan Kibutsuji.

"Good that makes this easier, since Akaza discovered you, the others have been made aware of your presence and how you are to stay here, if you have any trouble come to me." You nodded and left Akaza waiting outside for you.

You should meet the others, you will eventually but let's speed it up. "Okay" you followed him around and soon heard a biwa strum which teleported you outside a room that reeks of aphrodisiac.

Before one of you could say anything a man flung open the door. "So this is (Y,n) chan! She's so...... appetizeing." Akaza suddenly tensed up. "Upper two, call me Douma."

You nodded and held on to Akaza's arm when you heard a biwa strum again. "Are you alright?" "Don't worry." Your still worried but agreed.

"We're skipping upper one, his name is kokushibo, trust me you'll know him when you see him. Hatengu is behind the door I'm going to warn you now when he separates he can be a little much."

Wait separates? When you knocked an array of voices responded "what do you want!" "Be nice sekido it might be the girl master told us about." "A girl! Why didn't you say so sooner a
Aizetsu move!"

"Your going to scare her off let me open the door." When the door finally opened a demon with green eyes greeted you. "Sorry for all that, you are a treat aren't you?"

Akaza grimaced "Watch it Karaku!" "Aww someone is possesiv-" A demon with red eyes stabbed the demon with yellow eyes. "You morons! That's Urogi, the weakling back there is Aizetsu, I'm Sekido now go away!"

The door slammed in your face. "I see what you mean...." "That's enough for now, you've had a long day. You'll meet the rest later on." You nodded and let Akaza take you back to your room.

"Thank you Lord Akaza." "Don't! me that just Akaza." "Okay." You figured it was morning already Akaza looked tired to you so in an effort to get onto their schedule you decided to try to sleep to.

"I can't believe it not only did I meet a demon I met upper moon three! And some others too I'm so excited!"

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