Our world

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Your pov: when I woke up it took a second for me to realize where I was.......hard to believe only yesterday I was wishing to meet a demon.....now I'm living with them...

Someone knocked on my door. "Come in." I have never seen such an ugly creature it's body was like liquid coming out of a pot. "Gyokko, pleasure to meet you miss." My face still held a grimace.

"Such a rude little thing, perhaps I should hasten your trip to hell!" As Gyokko was about to attack an obi wrapped around him. "That wouldn't be wise, it seems Lord Akaza is quite fond of her."

"Not to mention what the master warned us about." Gyokko scoffed. "I was only going to teach them some manners." "Oh please Gyokko your uglier than me."

The obi swung Gyokko out of the way revealing a beautiful woman. "I am Daki, this is my big brother Gyutaro." She gestures to the skinny male.

"You're upper six? Aren't you." Daki clapped and smiled. "Your smart I like you!" "She's also pretty I'm jealous of that." Gyutaro spoke and started scratching at his flesh causing it to rip.

I didn't hesitate when I pulled his hands away from his face. "Don't." The look on his face was pure shock. "Why." Not so much a question more of a statement.

"I know you can regenerate but, don't do that to yourself." "Now I know why the master is keeping her alive, she cares about us."

"You must be dreadfully bored, come with us, we're about to go hunting." Daki smiles and grabs my wrist. "Um okay."

*Normal pov* the siblings dragged you to the entertainment district. "Your job is to lure people to us, only the pretty one's. Got it?" You nodded and Gyutaro whispered in your ear.

"Attract the men and women to her by saying that your Oiran Warabahime is interested in them, for me just look for cruel ones, the worse the better."

You climbed down from the roof they brought you on, you figured they forgot you were human but when you looked back up they were gone. "Watch out!"

A woman sneered at you, you were just about to take her to Gyutaro when she flashed her eyes, Daki! "My apologies." You looked around and found a group of handsome men, perfect.

You walked up to them and when they noticed you they hooped and hollered clearly tipsy at least. "What's a pretty little thing like you doing here are you away from your okiya?"

You mustered up your courage and spoke confidently. "Actually sirs I'm here on behalf of my Oiran, Warabahime. It seems you've caught her attention."

Your pov: I pointed towards Daki and she smiled when she made eye contact with the men. Knowing she could hear me I gave a location. "She wishes to talk to you more by the Udon stand."

Of course the men weren't going to pass up this chance it's not everyday an Oiran such as Warabahime wishes to talk to men like them. "Gladly kid."

And true to my word she talks to them by the stand, I kind of feel sorry for them. "Let go of me!" I look up to see a man abusing a woman in public no less. "One for Gyutaro, and the woman is pretty Daki might have her."

Acting scared you bumped into the man who immediately yelled at you. "What do you think your doing!" "I Im sorry....I was running from my husband he hits me."

The old man sneered. "As he should, where is he so I can return you?!" He grabbed me by the wrist and started dragging me but I managed to get a message to the woman.

"A friend of mine is by the Udon stand she'll help you." The woman nodded and ran meanwhile I hesitantly of course told the old man of my so called husbands location.

"He's in the alley." I pointed with my free hand and the old man threw me at Gyutaro's silhouette. "Get a better hold of your woman!" Unfortunately for him those were his last words.

So this is the world of the upper moons.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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