The Final Task

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The sound of footsteps turned the quiet night of Mandela County into an exhausting chase of fear. [Name] dashed across the alleyway. Face and body filled with sweat as they sprinted towards somewhere to hide. A police officer followed in pursuit, arms stretched out to reach the runaway child in front of her. How could [Name] get themselves in? They should've been more careful.

Twist and turns became the only thing that could help [Name] escape. He breathed heavily as they pushed themselves to the edge. Objects were thrown everywhere, which only slowed down the cop slightly. The darkness of the night made things more tiring.

[Name] continued to evade their pursuer. He should've stayed hidden. They shouldn't go out in the open during the day. They've been on the run for two years! They can't get cached now! Too much was at stake! They can't let it happen again! Their stepfather could hurt them worse than before! And they're so... so tired of it.

And now here they are, being chased by a cop who wants to bring them to their mom's house. To him, something [Name] thought was a worse fate than death. [Name] should've known.

They ran to a dumpster, hiding behind it. The sense of having a fast-pumping heart made them tense up. [Name] stared at the darkness as he heard footsteps stop with a screeching halt. The cop seemed to be oblivious right now. The sounds of the recent chase became dead as the officer sighed softly.

After a minute of silence and heavy breathing. The cop turned to the dumpster.

"Hey," she said, her voice sounding trustworthy. "Look kid, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to help you! Please don't hide and come out so I can help you!"

[Name] was shaking a little bit. They pulled the pistol out of their pocket, seemingly concerned. Wait, [Name] thought. She's trying to speak to me? Uhh, okay, I don't know what to do... I need to end it all. Okay, I just gotta negotiate... Maybe I could talk my way out of this like those lawyers on TV.

"Are you su-" BANG!

[Name] tried to speak. Only for a gunshot to be heard. It blasted across at the cop. Hitting her in the shoulder. Causing her to pull out her revolver and fire back. Her arm oozed a warm, red, liquid

"STOP RESISTING!" The cop yelled out to her assailant on instinct. "DROP YOUR WEAPON NOW! STOP OR I'LL SHOOT!"

The child immediately jumped to their feet and began to run, gun in hand. Gunfire blasted across the once quiet alleyway. Lighting up the whole place as [Name] ran for their life.

If [Name] wasn't dashing before, they sure were now. The kid ran and ran as the sound of gunfire blasted from behind them. The blasts cause their ears to buzz like an angry swarm of bees. The alleyway walls feel closer to [Name]. Which only caused more panic to run through their veins like a travesty.

[Name] eventually found an exit. It looked like a gap surrounded by two restaurants.

Finally, [Name] thought to themselves. An exit, hope at last...

[Name] sprinted through the exit, the street light feeling like a gateway to heaven. The gunshots were becoming more silent as [Name] slowed down their pace dramatically and walked to a nearby bush to recollect themselves.

"Okay," [Name] whispered between breaths "That's too close. They could've got me! I'm at a disadvantage! I need to think more carefully!"

[Name] was thinking to themselves. I should be more careful! I'm just a thirteen-year-old! I can't let anyone do that again!

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