you got a death wish?

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i woke up to a sweet scent of waffles filling the r oom. i softly blinked opening my eyes slowly. i was greeted with waffels tops with butter and fruits sickenly sweet syrup dripped down the sides. The buttler waited paitently for me to sit up in bed. Once i did so he placed the sweet food on a tray infront of me another buttler doing the same to tom. "enjoy" the one who served tom said leaving the other stood in the corner. "your father has arranged for clothing to come he picked everyones outfits" he said crossing his arms infront of him. "tell my father i said thank you" i said basically shooing him away. the buttler scurried away as we ate. 

soon we finished our meals as multipull buttlers came in the room. some cleaning up our mess from our breakfast and then the others rolling in with clothing. they escorted me to the walk in closet so i could have privacy while tom was getting dressed in the actual room. they started presenting me with tops and bottoms shoes jewelry stuff like that. my eyes fell in love i walked over and picked everything out shooing them all away. i slid on a red thong and black fishnets then slid on a black mini leather skirt i made sure to but a black laced braw on since the i was wearing had on should out. i slid the red tight fitting crop top which sleeves flaired out. i then slid on a star belt rings and red star earings. the outfit was complete besides my shoes which i approached slowly and slid on a pair of fuffy black demonia boots that went almost to my knees my outfit was complete i rushed on some makeup and staired at my fluffy cury long brown hair i staired at it. "MISS BUTLER LADY" i called her in. "yes mam" she said standing. "how much time do we have?" i said staring at her. "about 2 hours" "perfect i need sciccors and bleach and black and red hair dye" i said staring at myself in the mirror. "on it"

Toms p.o.v:

we had been waiting for an hour and 30 minutes what could be possibly taking her so long. i clearly either got dressed to fast or she was doing something crazy in that closet. i waited anxiously my leg bobbing up and down fastly when the door slowly cracked open. she walked out and i dont think ive ever been more attracted to someone. her one long brown hair was now short like mid way up her neck and her brown was not black with firey red highlights the underneath being completely red. her outfit complimented her body so well i was basically drooling over her and i could tell she was drooling over me. the outfit her father picked was different from what i normally would wear a tight black sweater with odd diamond shaped patterns in it with baggy pants the tight shirt was the part that caught her eye i could tell and i was loving every moment of this. 

back to our bbgs pov:

i admired tom from every possible angle his hair was in being kept back with a black bandana i was practically drooling. he looked so fine. i think he could tell i practically fan girling bc he smirked at me. oh how i just wanted to make out with him right now but i need to contain myself. we had a race to win. 

we swiftly ran to the elevator and ran for our cars. thats when it hit me. "wait what car am i gonna drive?" i said looking around. "oh sweety i fetched your car" my father said as he pointed me to the most beautiful car ever. a red and black audi r6. "OH EM GEE!!" i ran over and gave my father a hug and ran to my car practically throwing myself in. i started it up and backed out as soon as i was clear i sped off rolling the windows feeling the wind blow in my hair the radio blasting my fave pitbull song international love. i sped hitting every turn perfectly watching the others cars follow behind. i could see tom smiling at me through his window. i was on cloud nine. nothing mattered to me in the moment. nothing mattered untill i wipped around the corner being met face to face with ride or die. we had finally made it. as we pulled in each one of our cars drifted and slid in our spots perfectly. we glanced around looking at the people around us and admiring the eyes of our enemies. it was almost sad to see their faces. it was of shock and horror because they know they have no chance of winning now that we are here. 

we had been waiting around for nearly an hour when it was finally our turn to race. we all got in our cars one by one and looked at each other. we knew we had to wind. there was no way we wouldn't win. i glanced over and looked at bill who was our first racer his breathing was rapid and heavy the sun shining on his face making the sweat droplets glisten in the light.  his dreads laid messily on his shoulders and his makeup was smudged under his eyes. i could tell he was nervous because anytime he races he always makes it out to second. "BILL!" i called out he turned his head sharply. "make them pay" i said a smirk forming in the corner of my mouth. he raised an eyebrow at me for a quick second and then realized what i said putting a smile on his face. his breathing still rapid but no longer heavy i decided that now was the time to pass around some good luck. i reach for the locket i wore around my neck no matter the situation and threw it his car it landing in his passenger seat. i saw him pick it up and put it on now looking calm. i winked at him as him and his fellow racers revved their engines. in a second they were gone i watched bill speed off. georg pulling up into his spot. 

the cycle of cars went on and we were tied since gustav had lost his race. tom of course won and bill did to thankfully now it was up to me. i gripped my steering wheel tight and then flicked on the radio. cycling through the channels 80s music rock music no i needed something better. thats when i stopped on a channel playing mascara by deftones i knew this was it. i then revved my engine lightly i glanced over to see the locket in my passenger seat. i swiftly put it on and revved my engine loud. a smirk forming onto my mouth as a thing Asian girl stood infront of us and waved her flag in the air. "ready!" i gripped the steering wheel. "Set!" her flag pointing at us. "GO!" she called and i was off. i sped down the road going much faster then the others. the wind catched in my hair as it flowed behind me. i hit every sharp turn perfectly. i knew this was a victory. till a sleek red car sped up behind me. i looked in the driver seat to see don he was apart of the gang that tried to kill me the other day. i kept my foot on the petal not slowly my speed down. i glanced next to me to see the red car now next to me. we were going the same speed. "your dead" he said with a smirk. as i looked forward a sharp turn i would most deffinitly need to drift on was up ahead. i would be crazy to try and hit that at the highest speed this car goes. but good thing i was crazy. "no your dead you were dead when you joined" i said a smirk peeking at my lips as i sped up he followed behind but a look of worry plastered his face when he saw that there was no straight road but a turn. i sped up the speedometer hitting 450 and then 460. i was flying through this road. as the road was closer to the turn don slowed down but i kept going. 500 was my speed and i knew this was either gonna be the death of me or my victory. i sped to the turn but just before i turned the wheel causing my car to drift smoothly through the turn and then i straighted my car out as i watched the faces of the crowd ahead of me and the drivers behind me in shock. i sped right into victory putting my car to a stop and jumping out running to tom. "FUCK YEAH CELIA!" he said lifting me into a hug. "WE WON JESUS FUCK WE WON!" i yelled in shock. "i gotta admit i didnt think you would be able to pull that off c" bill said wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "you think so lowly of me billy boy i can always drift no matter the speed" i said winking at him. we were all laughing till a scream errupt from a girl behind us. "CELIA!" i looked there was don with a gun pointing it right at me. "I DESERVED TO WIN THIS ME NOT YOU!" he said approaching me. i felt my body but my gun was still in my other car. for fucks sake celia is all i could think in the moment. "you wouldnt dare shoot me" i said walking towards him slowly. "i would i will and i am" he said a smirk plastering across his face. "this was suppsed to be MY VICTORY!" he yelled out "clearly not" i said putting my hands up slowly. "put the gun down don" tom said now walking to right of him. he points the gun right at my head "you deserve to die like how my friends did" don said a smile forming on his face. "you deserve to rot in hell with your friends ill be glad to kill you just like i did them to" i said my face stone cold."YOU BITCH!" he said now putting a slight pressure on the trigger but before he could shoot someone started running at him causing him to turn his gun to them pulling the trigger. i dropped to the floor my ears ringing at people screamed out. i scanned the area swiftly my eyes looking for anyone who was shot thats when i look in the direction the gun was pointed looking at the person who was hit with the bullet but thats when i realize who got hit it was "TOM!".

to be continued......


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