4. It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt

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Author's Note:
*Warning for crude, hurtful language.*

He had woken up angry.

Angry at Sebastian, for being able to use him in such a way and play with his feelings. Angry at the world for cursing him with being in love with the bloody halfwit. But most of all, he was angry at himself, for allowing it to ever get that far.

He had avoided Sebastian like the plague that day, and in their shared clases, when he just had to endure his proximity, he had chosen to simply blatantly ignore him.
He counted the hours until he could retreat into the Undercroft and he prayed that Sebastian would have the sense to know that he needed his space to be alone.

After what felt like a tortuous eternity, he finally found himself sitting on the same couch where just last night his whole world had completely been shattered. He couldn't help the single tear that flowed down his cheek but he had had enough after last night. He would not. cry. again.

He tried to busy himself with reading some papers regarding some assignment they'd been given during class, but it all just seemed trivial to him now. He didn't care at this moment about his future, his prospects. He felt like he had lost the only thing he had actually ever wanted. So he simply resolved himself to go through the motions and hope that maybe one day he could actually somehow heal.

He was beginning to relax, now that it seemed like Sebastian had actually gained some sense and decided to stay away. But just as he had leaned back into the couch and was now walking the line between dreams and reality, he was crudly brought back by the sharp sound of the gate.

He sighed but didn't move from his position, though he now gripped the back of the couch with his hand over his head as if he needed something to tie him to this world. He heard Sebastian's slow approach and felt his weight shift the couch under him.

He didn't say anything and neither did Sebastian, but he could feel the tension between them, ready to snap at any moment of hesitance. He was almost considering drifting back into sleep when Sebastian couldn't take the silence anymore.

"Tell me why you're mad."

Sebastian's words were neither angry or remorseful, they just sounded slightly... desperate? But Ominis just didn't have the strength yet to try and say anything, so he simply remained as he was.

"I'm not a legilimens you know?" The desperation was more obvious now and it stirred just a little something inside his cold, broken heart. So he sighed this time.

"Please just say something." Now he sounded sad. Sad and desperate, and a very tiny spark tried to resuscitate his still dead heart.

But he would not say anything yet. And he would not open his eyes, even if it didn't make a difference to him, he knew it did for Sebastian.

He felt him shift on the couch now, he somehow felt he had imitated his 'relaxed' pose. And then there were only their breaths echoing through the darkness of the too large chamber.

Minutes passed, maybe even an hour, and as he found himself once again at the edge of consciousness, he felt the couch shifting yet again and the warmth of Sebastian's body now too close to him. He waited to find out what he would do next and was almost getting annoyed by his staring when he heard his sad and desperate voice once again.

"Ominis..." It was only a whisper but it was enough for him to slowly open his eyes. Offering him an opening to perhaps try and explain himself.

And he clearly took the hint, but instead of words, he used the only other outlet he seemed to possess to express his emotions. He'd leaned into Ominis' neck and placed a soft, tender kiss on his skin. And for a second Ominis almost gave into it again, but the hardness of his heart forbade it, so he simply used his words.

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