Chapter Five: Life is Great

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Life is great.

You've gotten quite a bit done on the house, mostly with the help of all the neighbors. The living room, kitchen, and bedroom are all finished and you've honestly never felt more at home. When you go to the supermarket, Howdy always greets you with a warm hello and a free sample of whatever the special of the day is. In the mornings, Eddie stops by for idle chat as he brings the mail. Whenever Poppy makes a new treat she comes over to give you some. Even with just a stroll through the neighborhood you're always greeted and smiled at by the other neighbors.

You sit in your backyard, cross-legged in the grass with your canvas propped up awkwardly on your legs. Your brush glides along the canvas, curving around to get the details just right. You bring the brush up to your face for a moment, biting on the wooden end as you think.

"You look cute when you're concentrating."

You blink up in surprise to see Wally leaning on the side of your house, arms crossed.

"How long have you been there?" You smile at him, setting down your canvas and standing up.

Wally merely shrugs with a grin. You run over to him, throwing your arms around his neck. He grips onto your waist, lifting you up and spinning around once before setting you back down and planting a gentle kiss to your forehead. You hug him, taking a moment to enjoy his masculine cologne scent before pulling away.

Yes, life is great. Wally Darling is yours.

"I was thinking you and I could spent the day together." He hums.

You nod, "Let me just clean up my painting supplies-"

"Let me help." Wally follows, carefully taking your paintbrushes as you grab your wet canvas. He trails behind you as you go inside, setting up your canvas to dry in your art room as Wally washes the brushes in the kitchen sink.

When you return, you find Wally with his head tilted and eyes cast towards the ceiling, frozen at the kitchen sink. He doesn't seem to notice your presence.

"Is... something wrong?"

Wally blinks, snapping out of it and turning his head to smile at you warmly. "No, of course not." He replies. "I was just thinking."

"Oh?" You ask, walking up beside him as he finishes washing the last brush.

"You haven't been to my Home yet." His half lidded eyes cast towards you.

"No, I suppose I haven't." You say. "Odd, considering you're over here all the time.

Wally chuckles, "Well, would you like to go?"

Before you know it, you're inside Wally Darling's house. It's somehow exactly how you expected it to be. Everything is neat and tidy, carefully placed and well maintained. There's an old charm to the house, as if it stepped out of the 60's.

"It's weird being in here." You say, wandering through his living room. There's framed photos on the walls of Wally and his friends. You take the time to examine them.

"Why so?" Wally watches you with warm amusement.

"It just feels so..." You stare at a picture of Barnaby holding Wally in a tight hug. Wally looks like he's being squished. "Personal."

Wally laughs, "Well, it is personal." He wraps his arms around you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder as you continue to stare at his pictures.

"No, it's different." You tell him. "Somehow it feels like I'm getting a glimpse into your soul."

There's a pause.

"Well maybe you are."

Wally lets go, turning and heading up a set of stairs. "Let me show you my painting room." You follow after him.

He leads you to a large, beautiful room. With the high ceiling and long window sill big enough to lounge on, the room looks elegant. Coupled with the mass amount of paintings lining the walls and easels of the room, it looks like a modern art gallery.

"Wow, Wally." You stare at his work, secretly jealous of his technique.

He seems proud of himself. "I think-"

There's a sudden loud crash from downstairs. You jump.

Whipping your head around, you turn back towards the door. "Did something fall?"

Wally merely frowns. "Yeah. Something fell." He says, turning his eyes up.

"Oh." You say. Clearly Wally seems to not be concerned with it, so you won't be either.

"Why don't we go back downstairs." Wally suggests, taking your hand.

The two of you settle down on the couch. You giggle and tease Wally for his old school television. You swear that thing probably is still in black and white.

As you chat, you both slowly inch closer together. It starts with a simple finger brushing at your thigh, then an arm is popped around your neck, and then finally Wally is leaning in and kissing you.

You let yourself be taken by the kiss, planting your hand at the back of his neck and brushing your finger along the base of his soft hair. Wally places his hand on your cheek and you press into it, tilting your head more into the kiss.

Your chest flutters, eyes blinking open for half a second so that you can stare at him. To your surprise, his eyes are already open and watching you. He squints happily at you, smiling into the kiss as he deepens it, tongue pressing further into your mouth.

Wally's other hand trails down your arm, causing goosebumps all the way. He flicks his tongue against the sensitive roof of your mouth before retreating back.

You feel words pressed against your lips but you can't hear them. They're hardly even a whisper, more like he is just mouthing words.

No, he's repeating something. You try to understand him.

"I love you."

You blink, pulling away from him.

"I love you too." You whisper.

Yes, life is great.

Until it isn't.

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