Chapter 8 Unconscious

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[Posted/ 2023, July 19th]

Chapter 8 Unconscious

Third person pov.

"I'm sorry."


Screeching and some loud crashing of chairs were heard around the biology II classroom as their teacher tried to teach his class.

Mr. Molina and everyone's eyes went looking around the room to find the source of the loud crashing sound and found Edward Cullen sort of awkwardly working on trying to keep Carmen's unconscious body from falling off the chair and onto the ground and working on trying to get her in his arms safely.

The room of teens were confused and curious about what was happening. Most teens never looked away from Cullen and Swan; too worried that they will miss out on seeing what's to happen.

Carmen had landed her green eyes on Edwards goldish eyes and then they rolled in the back of her head and her body went limp. The pain, the everything that courses through her was too much.

She was now unconscious.

Edward was fast to grab her before she could fall, but doing so, he ended up getting up too fast and knocked over his chair and almost hers making everyone's attention on them.

"What happened!?" Mr. Molina asks worriedly of his new student. He drops down his papers to his desk and rushes over to her to check her over, "she passed out" Edward said bluntly.

He held her tight to him, not too tight though, he didn't want to hurt her.

Mr. Molina didn't know what to be looking for fully, so he told Edward to take her to the nurses office, "take her to the nurse Edward, please"

Edward grabbed her and his bag before he was off without saying a word to anyone. He however left their textbook and their line books on the desk. He didn't care. He'll grab them later.

Edward Cullen understood why she had passed out and he felt incredibly bad for her. The pain of his fight for their soul-connection was too painful for her and it caused her to pass out.

He wanted to take her pain away, but he was too late too. He accepted her as his mate, his soulmate, but the connection had taken a bit to connect with her and when it did, she was already falling unconscious and then actually almost falling off her chair.

'Take her to the nurse Edward'

He listened to his teacher, even though he didn't want to. He wanted to take her home because he knows she's fine and all she needs is rest, but to others, they think there's something wrong with her.

Again, he listened and took her to the nurse's office.

To him, it felt like a blink of an eye and she was gone. When really it was maybe fifteen minutes of holding and standing beside her, then she was gone.

When he took her to the nurses office, they checked her over, then called her dad, who ended up picking her up and taking her to the hospital.

Edward was sent to do two things, he was told tell Jade Davis that Carmen Swan was taken home for the day, and that she still will show Carmen Swan around the school when she comes back tomorrow or the next-next day; and second thing he was told, he was told that after talking to Jade, to go back to class. 

The thought of going back to class and not worrying about his soulmate was hard, but Edward had to do it. He had to endure it though.

Third person pov.
With the Swans.

Charlie was worried off his ass about his youngest daughter's well being. He thought she was ok: and she is most of the time, at this moment, yes she was, though he didn't know that.

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