My Weird Neighbor Series 1

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Freen's Pov

" Freen.. we'll be going now... Dont mess the house ok? And maybe you should visit our new neighbor. I heard they have a daughter around your age too. " my mom said.. Again as i walk them to our gate where a taxi is waiting.

" Mom.. Come on i'll be fine. Just enjoy the trip ok? Auntie dont let mom buy some random things. Bye bye now " I said and kissed them both on their cheeks and gently push them to enter the car.

I waved bye until i couldn't see their car.

" Aahh.. Home alone for a week.. Great! i can do everything i want.. " i said to self and lay on my bed.

New neighbor? At my age? I wonder what he/she looks like? i hope we can get along. I'll visit their house later. I said to myself and closed my eyes.

I woke up at around 4 o'clock when my stomach started to growl. I stood up and went to the kitchen.

I checked the refrigerator and found a cheese cake. I smiled and took it.

" this will do.." i said and grab a glass and pour some orange juice.

after eating i went to the leaving room

" Now, what should i do? Should i watch a movie? " Then i looked at my dvd collection. I was about to pull out Gap The Serries so i can see Mon again but stopped when i remembered what my mom said.

" Well its better to watch movie with someone. " i stood up again. And looked at my reflection. Ok i still look good no need to change. I smiled at myself and walked out of our house.

I looked at the house next to us.

" Does anyone really leave here?" i said to myself. Yah bear with me i usually talk to myself loudly.

But seriously.. It's too quiet. I rang their door bell twice but no one is coming out. I was about to leave but i noticed that their gate was opened.

i stepped inside and looked around. They have a pretty garden, its clean and wide but they dont have many plants yet.. But what really caught my attention was a pot of sun flower.. i pulled out my phone and took lots of pictures of it.

Im sure they brought it here..

I looked at their door and frowned when i saw that its a bit open.

Ok? How careless they are? dont they know that its dangerous to leave your house open?

What if some strangers went inside.

' just like you?' asked the voice inside my head.

" yeah right" i said but because of my curiousness i slowly went to their door and opened it.

Its really quiet here.. Damn my heart suddenly started to beat like hell..

What if they caught me?

' its not your fault they left their guards off' the voice at the back of my head said again.

Yeah that right. I can say im just curious. .Well i am really curious..

But the beating of my heart suddenly stopped and it feels like an ice cold water washed my whole body when i saw her.

Laying on the middle of their leaving room.. Wearing only her underwears.

" My god.. What happened?" i said and kneel in front of her .. I am in panic right now.

Should i go? call someone for help? is she dead?

" aaaahhh!" i screamed when she suddenly opened her eyes. She just looked at me and i saw her hold her ears like it was hurt or something.

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