My Weird Neighbor Series 5

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Freen's Pov

I must have been in a nightmare.



" Sarocha will you please stay still and be silent. Let me sleep in peace!" Becky said in annoyance who is currently in bed next to me.



Wondering how i ended up in this situation?

Ok here you go !


Damn that girl! Shes really crazy!
And now im on my way home. Yes I'm going home late and its because of her!

Everything is her fault!
Its her fault why i suddenly screamed inside the class! And worst its english class and our teacher is really terror! So i have to do some detention.


And what made me scream im the middle of the class?? Who else? Its her! Rebecca Patricia Armstrong!

What did she do?. Oh you just licked and sucked my earlobe!
Yeah she did that! For what reason? NO REASON AT ALL!


She said my ears looks like cherry and her intrusive thoughts told her to suck my ears!

Gosh! Shes crazy! Definitely crazy!
And now im tired. So tired because that terror teacher made me clean the whole faculty's rest room!

Gosh my back is killing me. All i want now is to lay on my bed and sleep. I dont even want to go to school tomorrow.

I dont want to see her tomorrow. I might go insane once i see her again.

But i think something is playing with my whole being because as soon as i entered our house.

I heard unfamiliar voices and a very very familiar one.

" its ok, aunt Nun i can sleep on this sofa."

No no no.

" owh becky dont worry im sure freen will let you sleep with her" and thats my mom.

No no no and no. I hurriedly went to the living room and there, i saw them. My mom , becky and two adults who I'm guessing as becky's parents.

" mom?" I called and they all looked at me. And shes smirking at me!!!

" There she goes. We were talking if becky could sleep with you since we dont have extra room in our house. " my mom said with a big smile.

" w-why?" I asked. I should say no. I should. No i must!!

" Mr and Mrs Armstrong are asking for favor if the can leave becky in our care because they will go back to england for a short while for a business trip and they are worried to leave becky alone" my mom said and i looked at becky's parents who smiling wide at me.

" but we dont have extra room so im hoping that you wouldnt mind sharing your room with her right?"
My mom continues.

And i was about to say no but becky interupted me.

" Its ok aunt Nun i can sleep here. I dont wanna be a burden to sarocha. And ive been telling my parents that i can manage alone. But they are really persistent on making sure that im ok" she said in a calm and sweet tone.

Far far far from how she talks to me.

" aww you are so sweet becky, but i myslef cannot let you live alone. A young sweet girl like you shouldnt be left alone. "

No mom!! Shes a devil!!

" freen you dont mind right?"

" I... I.. " Gosh they are all looking at me with those expecting eyes!

" Ok. J-just bring your own blanket!" And i went to my room.


So yeah! Thats what happened! And worst? She'll stay here for a month!!!

This is really a nightmare!


" I told you to stay still. I cant sleep because of you"

Becky said once again and before i could respond I felt her arm around me and her leg around my leg making me stay still and I couldn't move.

"Becky, let go!" I said bit she hugged me tighter.

" no. With this you cant move anymore. Now sleep. I want to sleep."

And i didnt hear anymore from her.

I kept trying to remove her arm and leg on me but shes surprisingly strong.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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